National Holidays

Hug A Plumber Day
Most of us take plumbing for granted – running water, hot water on demand, and the complex systems of piping that keep things ticking over for us in the background are easy to forget about it. Hug A Plumber Day encourages us to recognize the ingenuity, hard work and skills of plumbers everywhere – because who […]
World Penguin Day
Today is dedicated to our fine feathered swimming friends, the penguin
Save The Frogs Day
Whilst the disappearance of bees has gained significant media coverage, the slow vanishing of frogs and various amphibian species has gone largely un-noticed. Save The Frogs Day aims to raise awareness of the plight of declining frog populations, and to encourage conservation and protective initiatives.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
East Meets West Day
When : Always April 25th It's East Meets West Day.... time for a few introductions. Many kinds of sports team hold annual East vs. West games. Most often, its held by high school sports teams. It does  not have to be limited to sports teams. It could be any club or organization that holds competitions, […]
Pretzel Day
It’s generally believed that the humble pretzel is the oldest of all snack foods, with documented consumption of pretzels dating back as far as the 7th century AD, where French monks baked salted dough strips shaped like the arms of children in prayer.Whether you like yours sweet, salty, covered in chocolate, or flavored with herbs and spices, Pretzel […]
Help A Horse Day
No horsing around – today is an opportunity for you to be a good ‘neeeiiigh-bor’ on Help a Horse Day!Horses continue to be both a popular pet as well as serving as hard-working farm animals. In recent years, stories of their neglect and abandonment have continued to rise; as owners have found the cost of […]
Shuffleboard Day
Get out and play a round of Shuffleboard today
Landscape Architecture Day
Today in 1822 Frederick Law Olmsted was born, he is the father of landscape architecture
Hug an Australian Day
Hug An Australian Day is an annual event that was founded by Thomas and Ruth Roy of the website.Though the origins of this event are unclear, Hug An Australian Day has quickly become popular over the last few years, and is celebrated by sending the likes of greeting cards and e-cards to Aussie friends.Event […]
Babe Ruth Day
Babe Ruth Day honors one of Baseball's greatest players ever. On April 27, 1947, Babe Ruth attended Yankee Stadium for Babe Ruth Day. It was to be the second last time he was at the stadium. In 1946, Babe Ruth was diagnosed with Throat Cancer. Back then, there was not as much treatment as there […]
Morse Code Day
Morse Code Day commemorates the birth of the inventor of the Morse Code – Samuel Morse in 1791.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
World Tapir Day
Prime Rib Day
When : Always April 27th National Prime Rib Day gets your mouth watering, and starts you drooling. Many of us look to this day on the calendar to enjoy one of America's favorite steaks. For just a day, forget about the diet. For just today, don't fret over the high fat and cholesterol content. And […]
woman standing with vintage telephone
Emma M Nutt Day
On September 1st, we celebrate Emma M. Nutt Day, a special occasion dedicated to honoring the achievements of Emma M. Nutt, the first female telephone operator in the United States. Emma's pioneering role in the telecommunications industry paved the way for future generations of women in the field and marked a significant milestone in the history of communication.
Tell a Story Day
When :   United States: Always April 27th Scotland and England: National Tell a Story Day is October 27th Tell a Story Day celebrates story-telling of all kinds. It doesn't matter if its fiction or non-fiction, a tall tale, or folk lore. Today is a day to tell 'em all. Stories can be from a […]
Write an Old Friend Today Day
Compose and eMail or letter to someone you haven't talked to in awhile
Cubicle Day
Cubicle Day presents an opportunity for departmentalised office workers to rise above the conformist standards, customise their cubes and announce their individuality. Designed by Robert Propst and known for a complete absence of individuality, cubicles were first introduced in 1967 as a way to subdivide open office space and provide workers with a degree of […]
Kiss Your Mate Day
Kiss Your Mate Day is a perfect chance to smooch with your partner, as if you need an opportunity to share a kiss or two with the one you love. With spring in the air, April is an appropriate time for Kiss Your Mate Day. Some people may ask ""why do you need a holiday […]
Biological Clock Day
The words ‘biological clock’ may conjure up images of dancing babies, but there’s much more to the biological clock than that last minute urge to make babies that supposedly kicks in at a certain point in a woman’s life.For a start, both men and women have a biological clock, as being celebrated by Biological Clock […]
Santa Fe Trail Day
Blueberry Pie Day
What could be more enjoyable than a slice of, delicious, Blueberry pie? Blueberries, or star berries as the Native Americans called them, are one of nature’s super foods. The humble blueberry is one of few blue foods, found in nature, and it is native to the Americas. The chemicals found in blueberries may contribute to […]
gray car on a drive thru
Drive-Thru Day
**Drive-Thru Day** on **July 24** celebrates the convenience and efficiency of drive-thru services that have become a staple in modern life. From grabbing a quick meal on the go to picking up prescriptions without leaving your car, drive-thrus simplify our daily routines. This day recognizes the innovation and convenience they bring, highlighting their role in shaping how we access goods and services in today's fast-paced world.
Great Poetry Reading Day
When : Always April 28th Great Poetry Reading Day is in honor of some really great verse. There's lots of poetry out there. Some is good, and some is not so good. Today is intended to read the world's greatest poetry. Celebrate today in any or all of the following ways: Read poetry Hold a […]
World Wish Day
It was the wish of seven-year-old Leukaemia sufferer Chris Greicius to become a police officer. When police heard about this they wanted to help and granted his wish. Young Chris was a police officer for one day on the 29th April 1980. Others heard about this and thought that granting wishes for sick children was […]
Greenery Day
When : Always April 29th Japanese Greenery Day celebrates the birthday of Japanese Emperor Hirohito. In Japanese culture, Greenery day is a time to commune with nature and to be thankful and appreciative of it's abundance. Celebrate Greenery Day with a nature walk or by doing a project to improve or preserve nature. More Details...All […]
Shrimp Scampi Day
Shrimp Scampi Day is a special day to celebrate this delicious seafood dish. Shrimp scampi is a dish made with shrimp that have been cooked in garlic butter and white wine. It is often served over pasta or rice. This dish is perfect for any occasion, and it’s sure to please everyone at your table. […]
Zipper Day
From handbags and jackets to trousers and boots, it really is impossible to imagine life without zippers. They are so widespread it is easy to take them for granted. This is where Zipper Day comes along to remind us of the origin and history of this truly omnipresent invention. The exact birthday of the zipper […]
Hairstyle Appreciation Day
When : Always April 30th Hairstyle Appreciation Day celebrates uniqueness of all styles of hair. It allows us to express our individuality. Each generation of youth creates it's own hairstyles, or come back to style that were popular years ago. We include among the hairstyles, hair coloring and shaved heads. After all, no hair is […]
Oatmeal Cookie Day
Although no record seems to exist regarding the origins of Oatmeal Cookie Day, the Internet is filled with evidence that it is a genuine celebration of what is considered to be the healthiest cookie of all.Oatcakes have been relied on to deliver quick boosts of energy since the middle ages and though recipes are today […]
Beat Up a White Kid Day
Beat Up a White Kid Day is the colloquial name for racially motivated attacks occurring on May 1stin which Negroes, Mestizos, and other people of color randomly seek out European American (Caucasian) children and attack them. The phenomenon was first publicized by Cleveland, Ohio newspapers in 1993 following the national appeal for calm by Rodney […]