National Holidays

Licorice Day
If you fancy something a little bit sweet, why not chew on some licorice for Licorice Day. Enjoyed by people across the globe, licorice has a distinctive flavour and is found in many modern sweets.Created by Licorice International in 2004, Licorice Day celebrates the rich history of black licorice. Licorice is extracted from the licorice […]
Walk On Your Wild Side Day
Be Unpredictable! Walk On Your Wild Side Day is a chance to do something no one would ever expect you to. Today is a day to embrace your inner wild streak – to wearing nothing but neon pink, dying your hair green for a day, or showing everybody who ever said you couldn’t that you […]
Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
Grilled cheese sandwiches are a delicious, toasted delight popular all across the world. They even have their own holiday, Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, when it’s practically your duty to indulge in them.Melting cheese on top of bread is a culinary concept that has been around since the time of the Romans, but grilled cheese sandwiches […]
Big Wind Day
When : Always April 12th Big Wind Day commemorates the highest wind speed ever recorded on the planet. Can you guess where?  No, it wasn't in the middle of a hurricane or a tornado. On April 12, 1934, the staff of the Mount Washington Observatory recorded the highest surface wind ever measured, anywhere on earth. […]
Peach Cobbler Day
Pie dates back to the Middle Ages, but cobblers were invented by early settlers in the American Colonies, who cooked them in pots over open fires. Source:
Scrabble Day
When : Always April 13th Scrabble Day celebrates the popular board game. It's been  popular around the world ever since. People young and old enjoy this game. Scrabble was created in 1938 by Alfred Mosher Butts. It is sold by Hasbro, Inc. It's very easy to celebrate Scrabble Day. Just get out the old board […]
Pecan Day
Indigenous to the Americas, pecans take their name from an Algonquin word that means “nut that requires a stone to crack.” Source:
Look Up at the Sky Day
How often do you look upwards? Look Up at the Sky Day encourages you to stop for a moment, and to appreciate the beautiful blue sky, fluffy clouds and elegant, soaring birds… That’s on the assumption that it’s not grey, raining, cloudy, foggy, or that you’re indoors…More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at […]
International Moment of Laughter Day
When : Always April 14th International Moment of Laughter Day is a special day that will put a big smile on your face. The objective of this day is to get people to laugh, and to laugh more often. After all, ""laughter is the best medicine"". Moment of Laughter Day is also known as National […]
Reach as High as You Can Day
When : Always April 14th Reach as High as You Can Day is a day to expand your horizons. And, it truely will be an uplifting experience. Today, there are no limits. You can literally reach for the sky. Is there something you've wanted to ""go for"", and felt it was just out of reach? […]
Bicycle Day
Bicycle Day does not, as one might expect, celebrate the ubiquitous two-wheeled mode of transport, beloved of city- and country- dwellers alike the world over. Rather, it celebrates a particular historical event that involves a trip on a bicycle.‘Trip’ is the operative word here, as Bicycle Day commemorates the first time Dr. Albert Hofmann intentionally […]
Glazed Spiral Ham Day
Not just any ham, Glazed ham!
Rubber Eraser Day
Date When Observed: Always on April 15 Make no mistake... Rubber Eraser Day celebrates the invention of erasers. We all make mistakes. This day is designated to recognize and appreciate the value of that little plug (as manufacturers call them) ,that sits atop our pencils. When we make a mistake, they are the big ""cover-up"", […]
Take A Wild Guess Day
There’s no prize for guessing what we’re celebrating today! As your intuition might just have told you, it’s Take A Wild Guess Day – which does exactly what it says on the tin. The aim is to turn the spotlight on hunches, brilliant leaps of deduction and outright guesswork.Creator of the day Jim Barber made […]
That Sucks Day
Historically, a lot of bad things happen on That Sucks Day, not least of which is that it’s income tax pay day (this is also the day the Titanic sank and Abraham Lincoln died).More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Bat Appreciation Day
On Bat Appreciation Day, take a moment to consider the humble bat. Bats are mysterious, enigmatic creatures which are all around us, though we may not be aware of them. Some species are as small as a thumb, and yet are capable of flying hundreds of miles over land and sea to migrate each year. […]
Jackie Robinson Day
Jackie Robinson Day is a traditional event which occurs annually in Major League Baseball, commemorating and honoring the day Jackie Robinson made his major league debut. April 15 was Opening Day in 1947, Robinson's first season in the Major Leagues. Initiated for the first time on April 15, 2004, Jackie Robinson Day is celebrated each […]
Bookmobile Day
Bookmobile Day is an opportunity to celebrate one of the many services offered through public libraries. Originating in the nineteenth century, the earliest bookmobiles were horse-drawn wagons filled with boxes of books. In the 1920s, Sarah Byrd Askew, a New Jersey librarian, thought reading and literacy so important that she delivered books to rural readers […]
Save The Elephant Day
They might be wildlife icons, but, sadly, elephants are in crisis. Save The Elephant Day is a chance to show our love and support for these much-loved giants and raise awareness of the threats to their future in both Africa and Asia, ranging from ivory poachers and traffickers to loss of habitat.Also known as World […]
Foursquare Day
Foursquare acknowledged a grass-roots effort that started in Tampa, Florida [57] in 2010 by declaring April 16 ""Foursquare Day"",[58][59] April being the 4th month and the 16th being equal to four squared.[60][61] Some cities have made official proclamations of April 16 being Foursquare Day (Istanbul, Turkey; Atlanta, Georgia; Austin, Texas; Cincinnati, Ohio; Corpus Christi, Texas; […]
Eggs Benedict Day
Eggs Benedict Day is an excuse to have a tasty treat! Eggs Benedict is traditionally made from a halved English muffin, topped with ham (or sometimes bacon), poached eggs and a hollandaise sauce. Everybody has their own versions, variations and favourites which change and swap out pretty much all of the components, from using bread […]
International Pizza Cake Day
International Pizza Cake Day - a day for the world to unite around cakes that look like pizzas. Want to learn more about International Pizza Cake Day? Read ""The Tale of Gundermeaux"" (in our photos) to learn about the very first pizza cake!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Haiku Poetry Day
Haiku Poetry Day encourages you to try your hand at short, Japanese poems; stick to a syllable pattern of 5-7-5 and you’re off to a good start – but it’s much more complex than that!To craft a perfect Haiku, you need to include an element of seasonality, and a ‘cut’ (either a word or through […]
Kickball Day
Kickball is a popular playground sport that has been around since the early 1900’s. Originally called “Kick Baseball” the game was used by physical education teachers to teach school children the basics of baseball. The game is typically played on a field and uses 3 bases, a pitcher’s mound, and a home plate. Like Baseball or softball, 2 teams […]
Blah Blah Blah Day
Sometimes it seems as if everyone is a critic. Are you fed up with your nearest and dearest suggesting you lose weight, give up smoking or paint that ceiling? Or, even if nobody is hounding you, are you all too aware that you’re putting off until tomorrow things that should have been done yesterday?If any […]
Ford Mustang Day
Ford Mustang Day commemorates of the day the Mustang was first introduced to the public in 1964. Most new cars are released in fall of the year titled for the next year, so the first Mustang was titled a ’64 1/2.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Nothing Like A Dame Day
Nothing is likely to inject a little sunshine and gaudiness into someone’s day more effectively than Nothing Like a Dame Day.This celebration of big, brash, smiling-through-the-pain ladies of the theatre, gives even those of a straight-laced nature the opportunity to grab a boa, glue on some spidery lashes, and sashay like Carol Channing, Judy Garland, […]
Cheese Ball Day
When : Always April 17th National Cheeseball Day is a day to stuff yourself with cheeseballs. But wait!!! What kind of cheeseball are we talking about? There's the light and airy, puffy cheeseball that you munch on for a snack by the dozens. There is also the cheeseball, often decorated with nuts, that sits on […]
Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day
Relax the dress code and work in comfort on Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day. Don’t worry about knotting a tie, don’t confine your feet in high heels; this is the day to wear your softest, cosiest and silliest nightwear, and enjoy the luxurious freedom of lounging while earning your pay cheque. Derived from the […]
Pet Owners Independence Day
Fed up of going out to work every day to earn a crust, while your dog, cat, rabbit or budgie lounges around the house? Well, Pet Owners Independence Day aims to change all that. The idea of this wacky holiday is that we owners get a turn at lying on the carpet, while our fluffy […]