National Holidays

Tartan Day
Tartan is one of the most recognisable patterns ever, and has a strong history for the people of Scotland. Tartan Day was created to celebrate Scottish history and the achievements of people of Scottish descent around the world. While some areas hold marches and parades, other people simply celebrate it amongst themselves. If you’ve ever […]
Caramel Popcorn Day
Popcorn is an amazing food, and a delightful treat, capable of being so many different forms of things. From the traditional buttered popcorn, to the colorful Saran wrapped candy popcorn balls that used to be given out by little ol’ Grandmas everywhere at Halloween, this hot popped corn treat has found its way into every […]
Army Day
Army Day is a chance to show your appreciation for the armed forces without you having to enlist. Many nations across the world celebrate Army Day, or Armed Forces Day, from Armenia to Venezuela. This day honouring and celebrating the country’s military forces can be marked by anything from an air show taking place to […]
Dyngus Day
When : Always the Monday after Easter Dyngus Day, also spelled Dingus Day, is a fun Polish Holiday.  It is very popular in Poland, and in Polish communities across America. After the long Lenten holiday, Dyngus Day is a day of fun. And, perhaps a little romantic fun. It is always celebrated on the Monday […]
Sorry Charlie Day
Date When Observed : Always on April 6th Have you ever been rejected? For anything? Sure you have! We all have. Sorry Charlie Day is for all of us who have been spurned, and yet somehow survived it. Take a minute today and reflect upon a past dejection. Then, smile with he realization that ""_ […]
Plan Your Epitaph Day
When : Always April 6th Plan Your Epitaph Day is a day is a little bit morbid for my liking. My first thought was who would create this day? And, why? I don't want to think about it, let alone plan it. However............. When you stop to think about it, maybe it's best if you […]
Tomato Day
Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable? In 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in. Decision: officially a fruit, but taxed as a vegetable. Source:
No Housework Day
The laundry will be just fine in the basket until tomorrow.You’ve got enough plates to leave the washing up until the morning, just this once.No Housework Day is the one day a year you can just relax, forget those daily chores and do absolutely anything else instead. It’s a chance to indulge yourself with no guilt, […]
World Health Day
Beaver Day
The beaver may be the national animal of Canada but the furry dam-building rodent can be found across the North American continent and Eurasia as two distinct species, but the population has been on the decline for several decades now. InternationalBeaver Day aims to celebrate and raise awareness of the plight of the rodent. Beavers […]
Beer Day
Whether you’re a lager lover or a cask ale connoisseur, there’s no excuse not to raise a glass to another yearly installment of Beer Day – the perfect opportunity for beer brewers, sellers and buyers to raise their frosty glasses in celebration of the oldest, and most popular alcoholic beverage on the planet!Bars, restaurants and […]
Coffee Cake Day
Who's up for a coffee break? These cakes taste delicious alongside a cup of joe, whether for breakfast or an afternoon pick-me-up. Source:
Zoo Lovers Day
Zoo Lovers Day is a great excuse to get your family together and go for a trip to see the exotic animals of the world! Zoos have a long history, bringing strange new animals from the far flung and mysterious regions of the world straight into the heart of civilization. Where else can you see prowling lions, […]
All is Ours Day
When : Always April 8th All is Ours Day is is bound to be a spectacular day for...... us. Think of the concept. Imagine the possibilities. The creator of this day was absolutely brilliant. What a great day this will be. The creator of this day was absolutely brilliant. Let's dissect the meaning and intent […]
International Feng Shui Awareness Day
be aware of the wood, metal, fire, earth, and wind elements around, it is good chi
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
There's no need to be a professional artist to participate in Draw a Picture of a Bird Day! This holiday is all about having fun and enjoying the process of drawing, regardless of your level of skill. So why not take some time on November 18th to sit down with some paper and pencils (or […]
International Bird Day
International Bird Day is a global celebration of birds. It is celebrated annually on May 4th and provides an opportunity for people around the world to learn about the importance of birds in our environment and how we can help protect them. This year's theme, "Birds in Our World", encourages everyone to appreciate the beauty […]
Empanada Day
Cherish An Antique Day
A day is set aside in April of every year on which to appreciate unique objects that date back to a time when quality and craftsmanship were most valued by a discerning clients. It is a day on which everyone is encouraged to revisit an era of artistic talent that, for them, holds a special […]
Name Yourself Day
When : Always April 9th Name Yourself Day is your chance to give yourself whatever name you'd like...for a day. If you like your name, then change your name for just today. If you don't like your name, use today to select a new name for life! Participating in Name Yourself Day is simple and […]
Chinese Almond Cookie Day
Cookbook author Yuan-Shan Chi declared these cookies “as Chinese as blueberry pie” in 1960. Authentic or not, they’re still a treat at the end of a meal. Source:
Cinnamon Crescent Day
Thank Pillsbury for making crescent rolls an everyday delight. The company introduced frozen dough in the 1950s, and home cooks have baked with it ever since. Source:
International Safety Pin Day
Celebrate simplicity and practicality this Safety Pin Day. Legend has it that, in 1849, Walter Hunt, the inventor of the safety pin, owed a friend $15 and decided to invent something new in order to earn the money to repay him. He invented the safety pin.Strong and sharp, yet safe enough to be used on […]
Golfer’s Day
Some people believe that the word â??golfâ? is derived from the phrase â??gentlemen only, ladies forbidden.â? However, very few words commonly used in the English language today gained their origins from acronyms. Other possibilities include the Dutch word â??kolf,â? a kind of stick or club, or â??goulf,â? a Scottish word meaning â??to strike or cuff.â?No […]
Eight Track Tape Day
When : Always April 11th Eight Track Tape Day brings back fond memories of the sixties and seventies. During this era, eight track tapes ruled the music world. America's love of the automobile, was a driving force in creating the demand for musical cassette formats. For those who grew up in this era, an eight […]
Dandelion Day
Barbershop Quartet Day
On April 11, 1938 the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America was founded in Tulsa, Oklahoma, marking the official celebration of Barbershop Quartet Day. The image of four wearing straw hats singing together with complex harmonies could be considered a cultural cornerstone of the 1940s.However, Barbershop Quartet is by […]
Pet Day
Pet Day is a chance for those of us who own pets to show them how much we love them. Now, we all can think of the traditional things: a new toy, some tasty treats, or a long walk in the park, maybe a game of fetch, assuming you have a dog! But, think outside […]
Cheese Fondue Day
Cheese Fondue Day is a way to celebrate that delicious mixture of cheese and wine that goes oh-so-well with bread, meat, and veggies.Fondue’s been around as a concept for hundreds of years, but cheese fondue is generally recognized to have come into existence in 1875 when the original recipe was published. Before then there was a […]
Yuri’s Night
Today marks the anniversary of the dawn of a new era. Major Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was fired from the Baikonur launch pad in Kazakhstan, Soviet central Asia and was the first man in outer space.

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