National Holidays

Ask a Stupid Question Day
Ask a Stupid Question Day is a holiday that is sometimes celebrated in the United States, usually by school students and teachers.[1] Although Ask a Stupid Question Day's default date is September 28, in practice it is usually observed on the last school day of September.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Confucius Day
When : Always September 29th Confucius Day honors one of the world's greatest philosophers. Born in China on October 18, 551 B.C., Confucius is one of the earliest, and perhaps the the first great philosopher. He was also a teacher, a scholar, and a politician. He gave the world many teachings, and gave the world […]
International Frugal Fun Day
When : First Saturday in October Frugal Fun Day is today. If you dig deeply, you will find resources that describe this day as ""International"" Frugal Fun Day, and ""National"" Frugal Fun Day. However, we found no documentation supporting the International or National tags. We did find plenty of reference to the intent of this […]
Blasphemy Day
International Blasphemy Day encourages individuals and groups to openly express criticism of religion and blasphemy laws. It was founded in 2009 by the Center for Inquiry.[1] A student contacted the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, New York to present the idea, which CFI then supported. Ronald Lindsay, president and CEO of the Center for Inquiry […]
Mud Pack Day
Make yourself beautiful for Mud Pack Day by plastering your face and skin with (safe, ‘clean’) mud! Keep you skin supple, your pores clear and your face looking youthful and clean – just don’t forget to wash the mud off!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
CD Player Day
With the rise of digital downloads, MP3s and integrated media devices in the house and on the move, the humble CD player may become a thing of the past. Get a bit lo-tech, and celebrate CD Player Day by enjoying music from a dedicated CD player, a portable hand-held player, or even a boombox or ghetto-blaster!More […]
Poetry Day
Poetry Day is a celebration of poetry for everyone, everywhere: from assemblies, bus queues to hospitals and zoos. It’s a day when poetry takes to the streets. It’s a chance for you to use poetry to say things that can’t be said in prose.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
World Vegetarian Day
Why not try going vegetarian just for one day and if you are vegetarian, convince someone else for one day
Name Your Car Day
When : Always October 2 Name Your Car Day is today. Does your car have a name? Lots of people name their cars. People with big boats, name their boat, and we think nothing of it. So, why not name your car or truck!? Every carhas character and personality. We spend a lot of time […]
World No Alcohol Day
If Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss has his way, October 2 — Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary — will be a ""dry day"" all over the world. He is all set to take up the issue of alcohol along with tobacco in the World Health Assembly in Geneva on Monday.Ramadoss told The Indian Express, ""I have […]
Custodial Workers Recognition Day
When : Always October 2 National Custodial Workers Day is today. Give your custodial worker a big thanks. At your school, church, place of employment, and a variety of other places, your custodial support are silently at work all year long. They are the workers who clean and keep in good repair, the facility that […]
Calendar of Bizarre American Holidays
Improve Your Office Day
Working in a plain, corporate environment can be demoralising at the best of times; so why not take some steps to improve your work environment? Improve Your Office Day encourages you to make your desk and surrounding area a more pleasant and enjoyable place – why not consider buying some flowers or artwork? Think outside […]
Ten-Four Day
Breaker, Breaker, what's your handle?
Frappe Day
When : Always October 4th National Frappe Day is today. It's time to make, or buy, and drink your favorite Frappe. One might consider Frappes to have an identity crisis. It's made of many different things. The dictionary definition of Frappes is that it is an ice cream beverage drink. So, what's with all of […]
National Taco Day
Last year Americans ate over 4.5 billion tacos! That’s 490,000 miles of tacos, which could take you to the moon and back or, if you prefer, could, at 775-million pounds, equal the weight of two Empire State Buildings. Follow along at
Do Something Nice Day
When : Always October 5th Today is Do Something Nice Day. Go ahead, do something nice, anything nice. And, do it to, or for, another individual. It won't hurt......we promise. Doing something nice for someone almost always evokes a very pleasant response. At the very least, it results in a smile. More likely, that person […]
World Teachers Day
Techies Day
Geeks rejoice! Throw off the shackles, and embrace your hardware-obsessed, motherboard-craving, graphics card upgrading, wire-soldering, phone fixing, laptop repairing, router rebooting inner self for Techie’s Day!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
National Apple Betty Day
Long Walk Day
When was the last time you took a nice long walk and enjoyed the experience?
National Storytelling Festival
Get people to gather around in a circle and tell them all a tall tale today
Come and Take It Day
When : Always October 6th Today is Come and Take It Day. This day is here for the taking. Grab it. Take it and run with it. We're sure it's going to be a great day. There is a slight difference between the terms ""come and get it"" and ""come and take it"". The first […]
Physician’s Assistant Day
When : Always October 6th National Physician's Assistant Day celebrates and recognizes the importance and skills of this career. The highly trained Physician's Assistant is an invaluable aide to physicians and general practitioners.   The profession of Physician's Assistant was created in 1965 by Dr. Eugene Stead at Duke Medical Center. The first physician assistants […]
National Frugal Fun Day
Mad Hatter Day
Mad Hatter Day celebrates the Mad Hatter, from Alice In Wonderland. The original picture of the Mad Hatter by John Tenniel in Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland (more commonly known as Alice In Wonderland, by Lewis Caroll) always depicts him wearing a hat, bearing the note “In This Style 10/6″. Although we know this is really an […]
Balloons Around The World Day
It's Balloons Around the World Day! Today we celebrate the joy and delight that balloons bring to our lives. To mark the occasion, balloon artists from around the world will showcase the art of balloon twisting and decorating.Did you know that the first rubber balloons were invented in 1824? Professor Michael Faraday used them for […]
Bathtub Day
Take a bath instead of a shower today
National Frappe Day
Celebrate National Frappe Day at your local ice cream or coffee shop for specials on this day by giving yourself a cold espresso fix! About the Frappe: National Frappe Day is celebrated every year in honor of this delicious drink that has become a mainstay in the U.S. Dating back, the frappe drink originated in […]
American Touch Tag Day
When : Always October 8 American Touch Tag Day is a day to play Touch Tag. That' s right the child's game of Tag. Touch Tag is probably the most popular child's game in America. Almost all kids have played some version of it. We are uncertain as to why this day was titled ""American"". […]