The folded paper crane is an international symbol of peace. However, there’s a lot more to origami than simple birds, and Origami Day is all about promoting the art of paper folding and showcasing incredible creations.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
When : Always November 12th Chicken Soup for the Soul Day is today. It's a celebration about you. According to the creators of the book series of the same name, Chicken Soup for the Soul Day was created as "".... a celebration of who you are, where you've been, where you're going, and who you […]
When faced with the question of “what would you like on your Pizza?”, the pizza novice might answer “everything, please!”. This is a rookie mistake, the correct answer is ‘everything except anchovies!’, at least that’s the case for those of us who aren’t keen on those arguably pizza-spoiling salty fish! Pizza With The Works Except […]
When : Always November 13th National Indian Pudding Day is a day to enjoy puddings created by native American Indians. It seems appropriate to hold this day in mid November, as we approach Thanksgiving. Native American Indians were very much a part of the first Thanksgiving feast. It is quite likely that these puddings were […]
Date When Observed: Always on November 13 Here is a holiday that originated from a cartoon. It all began in Al Capp's ""Lil Abner Cartoon in the 1930's. In the cartoon series, the mayor of Dogpatch was desperate to marry off his ugly daughter. So he created Sadie Hawkin's Day. On this day, a race […]
Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day encourages you to do what it says on the tin – take things a little slower, de-stress and unwind. We’re all busy, but it’s easy to get caught up into a spiral of stress and angst; take a mental step back, loosen up, lighten up, and find some balance.More Details...All […]
When : Always November 15th National Philanthropy Day is today. Over the course of history, Philanthropists have made great contributions to those in need, and to worthy causes. According to the official National Philanthropy Day website, this day is set aside to ""recognize and pay tribute to the great contributions that philanthropy – and those […]
Although it has been rumored that Clean Your Refrigerator Day was started by the Whirlpool Corporation, the origin of this event is lost in the mists of time. The day is a great reminder though, that, to function effectively, our kitchen appliances should be cleaned out once in a while.Refrigerators can be one of those […]
When : Always November 16th Is your Teddy Bear a real ""party bear""? Hopefully he is, because today is Have a Party With Your Bear Day. And, what a swell day it is going to be! You get to have a party. And, you get to spend time with your Teddy Bear. I bet you […]
When : Always November 16th Button Day is a fun day to collect, use, and just enjoy buttons. Button come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors and designs. There is an amazingly endless variety of buttons for your collection. But, wait a minute.... is that the meaning of this day!? Maybe, the purpose of […]
Take A Hike Day is either about going for an exhilarating walk, or telling somebody to get lost – we’ll leave the interpretation up to you!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
When : Always November 17th Electronic Greeting Card Day is today. Send Ecards to everyone you know. Most people love to send and receive Ecards. They a fun, and they're free... a great combination. In exchange for the free cards, you may have to put up with a lot of pop-up ads. They support the […]
When : Always November 17th Bakers of the world, rise up and bake some bread, for today is Homemade Bread Day. Bread has been made for thousands of years. Estimates date it's origin back to 5000-10,000 B.C. Modern day lifestyles has relegated homemade bread to the world of specialty baking and holiday baking. People just […]
A day for witches, rituals, fairies and more, Occult Day celebrates a world of mystery and magic. Why not celebrate by getting your palm read?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache DayMore Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Surprisingly, Have A Bad Day Day wasn’t created to recognise that everyone has a bad day. Instead it was created for people who work in a customer service environment and are sick of saying “have a nice day”, and those who are equally sick of hearing it.In the nicest possible way, wish everyone a bad […]
In a world with rapidly diminishing natural resources, conservation is incredibly important. Use Less Stuff Day is all about re-using, patching up, recycling and handing things down rather than throwing them away and buying new things.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
The U.N. estimates that for every $1 that goes to improving sanitation, it saves more than $9 in lost productivity, health costs, and economic development.
Chances are that you spend a lot of time at your computer, whether that’s at home, work, or on the move; in some cases probably more time than you spend with your friends, family or loved ones! Yet even with all this time together, your PC remains an anonymous stranger – seize the chance to […]
When : Always November 20th Isn't it totally absurd? Crazy or not, Absurdity Day is staring you right in the face. Some days are truely illogical and senseless, exactly the definition of Absurdity Day. So, by intent error, or just through surfing the net, you've stumbled upon this special, senseless absurd! Celebrate this day […]
Children's Day is recognized on various days in many places around the world, to honor children globally. It was first proclaimed by the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925 and then established universally in 1954 to protect an ""appropriate"" day.[1]International Day for Protection of Children, observed in many countries as Children's Day […]
When : Always November 20th Today is truely a Beautiful Day in every way, shape and form. The world is filled with ugliness. So, as day like today is refreshing, and eye appealing. It's filled with beautiful sights, sounds and smells. But, wait a minute. Just what was Beautiful Day created for? We have yet […]
When : Always November 21st False Confession Day is today. I bet you have been waiting for today, in eager anticipation. For some unknown, yet wacky reason, the creator of this day, thought it would be fun to encourage false confessions. Did you do it or not? If you did, mum's the word today. But, […]
Record breaking attempts that are especially visual can be chosen for filming for this years Guinness World Record Day newsreel and shown world-wide.Pictures of attempts can also be sent into the Guinness World Record and may be used for publicity on the website or even included in next years book.In both 2009 and 2010, more […]
World Hello Day is a secular holiday observed annually on November 21, to express that conflicts should be resolved through communication rather than the use of force. Participants verbally greet ten people or more on that day as an expression of the importance of personal communication in preserving peace. The annual global event began to […]