Tag 05-16

Biographers Day

Biographies dominate the publishing industryâ??s bestseller lists. However biographical writing has not always enjoyed such popularity, and biographical conventions have evolved considerably over the centuries. The modern style of biography originated in the eighteenth-century and is most closely associated with…

Sea Monkey Day

Everybody loves Sea Monkeys – and Sea Monkey Day is the perfect opportunity to pay homage to our small, aquatic, frolicking friends. More Details…All details taken directly from provider content at

Pizza Party Day

‘Mmm, pizzaaaa!’ as Joey Tribbiani from ‘Friends’ might once have said, or was it Michelangelo from ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’? Anyway, there is clearly nothing more delicious than a large pizza with its doughy yet crisp base, and its choice variety…

Wear Purple for Peace Day

When: Always on May 16th It’s Wear Purple for Peace Day. You’d think that this day originated in protest of a particular war or conflict. Or, perhaps it should have been conceived by the UN, or another peacemaking or peace…

Love a Tree Day

When: Always on May 16th It’s Love a Tree Day. So, go out and give a tree a great big hug. Trees are a good thing. They give us shade, comfort and warmth. They give off oxygen, too. There are…

National BBQ Day

Are you ready for a lazy backyard barbecue meal today? From sweet and saucy, to simple and smoky, you can always find your favorite, Celebrate! It’s National Barbecue day! Grilling is no longer considered a male dominated activity. While 51…