Tag 02-18

Drink Wine Day

A glass of wine a day keeps the cardiologist away, or so they say. That may be the reason there is such a thing as Drink Wine Day, but whoâ??s to say we needed a reason to gurgle down a…

Single Tasking Day

Research shows that multitasking is really inefficient. Trying to focus on and hop between multiple tasks dilutes focus, introduces delays, and makes things take longer to complete. Single Tasking Day, then, is about embracing one and only one task. Make…

Ice Cream For Breakfast Day

Eating ice cream for breakfast is basically every little kid’s dream. Well, that and being able to have pizza for dinner every single day. But even if you aren’t 8 years old, you have to admit there’s something fun about…

Battery Day

Where would we be without the humble battery? Take a moment to consider how many of your household items use batteries – from cars to remote controls and hand-held devices, Battery Day is all about celebrating and recognising just how…