National Holidays

The Day the Music Died
The Day the Music Died, dubbed so by a lyric in the Don McLean song ""American Pie"", is a reference to the deaths of rock and roll musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. ""The Big Bopper"" Richardson, in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, on February 3, 1959. Pilot Roger Peterson was […]
Thank a Mailman Day
Itâ??s hard work delivering the mail day in, day out, come rain or shine. Thank A Mailman Day gives you an opportunity to say a polite â??thank youâ?? to your postal courier, parcel service, and good old mailman.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Create a Vacuum Day
When : Always February 4th Create a Vacuum Day just might leave you in an empty void. We found no factual information or records about this day. So, we can only speculate to its cause.......... Theory #1:  A hard working housewife, frustrated over her vacuuming chores, declared a day to commemorate the chore of vacuuming. […]
Homemade Soup Day
Soup is a common meal in many countries and probably dates back to the invention of the earliest cooking pots. Today it’s easy to open a can and heat some premade soup, but soup is even better when it’s made at home. Soup is easy, cheap and usually quick to make and can be stuffed […]
Weatherperson’s Day
National Weatherperson's Day, also known as National Weatherman's Day, is observed on February 5 primarily in the United States.[1] It recognizes individuals in the fields of meteorology, weather forecasting and broadcast meteorology, as well as volunteer storm spotters and observers. It is observed on the birthday of John Jeffries, one of the United States' first […]
Working Naked Day
There appears to be a holiday for just about every concept under the sun, so should we be surprised that there is such a thing as Working Naked Day? As its name suggests, Working Naked Day is the day in which you carry out the day’s work unclothed.It should be hastily mentioned, of course, that […]
Western Monarch Day
For Western Monarch Day, we’re not celebrating Queen Elizabeth and friends, but the annual migratory return of the Western Monarch butterfly to the central Californian coast. The Western Monarch has a beautiful, distinctive pattern of amber and black on its wings, creating almost a stained glass window effect. It lives to the west of the […]
World Nutella Day
Chocaholics know that there is chocolate and then there is Nutella. The creamy and delicious chocolate and hazelnut spread has been around since the 1940s, and despite the many imitations that have appeared in the market, Nutella continues to be the favourite guilty pleasure of chocaholics around the world. It is not surprising that die-hard […]
Bubblegum Day
Bubblegum Day is all about eating bubblegum to raise money for charity. Great fun for kids, and a way to help out a good cause; just remember not to swallow too much, and to dispose of it cleanly!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Chocolate Fondue Day
The origins of this holiday are quite mysterious, no one knows who created Chocolate Fondue Day, where it was first celebrated, or why it is celebrated every year. It is one of those bizarre yet funny days that has appeared unannounced on our calendar, inviting us to enjoy a chocolatey celebration: dipping our favorite fruit, […]
Frozen Yogurt Day
Go for the healthy alternative, go for yogurt today
Lame Duck Day
Lame Duck Day has nothing to do with injured animals; rather, itâ??s about giving some support and recognition to people who are on their way out â?? last termâ??s political leaders, people whoâ??ve been promoted or are moving away, and anybody whoâ??s ineffective in their current position because their time is up.More Details...All details taken […]
Fettuccine Alfredo Day
In 1914, Roman Chef Alfredo di Lello dressed pasta with butter and cheese for his pregnant wife. Americans later went mad for it, making the sauce creamier and adding seafood or chicken to the mix. Source:
Charles Dickens Day
Why not start a Dickens Novel today
Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day
At first glance, Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day might appear to be an incitement to approach people that live in your vicinity and, literally, wave your fingers in their faces in an annoying and potentially dangerous manner. Do not be tempted to do this, however, as this is not, apparently, the aim.It’s more […]
Send a Card to a Friend Day
When : Always February 7th Send a Card to a Friend Day is a great chance to get in touch with a friend. We all lead busy lives. Its easy to let a friendship or two lapse, as we try to shuffle kids to and from events. It's hard to stay in touch, when workload […]
Crab-Stuffed Flounder Day
Crab is completely delicious, but it’s so messy to eat. Try stuffing it in your favorite seafood or chicken, and you can enjoy it mess-free on the fanciest of occasions. Source:
The Inbox Day
Two ways to participate1. Participate by yourselfSTEP 1Schedule one hour.STEP 2Start cleaning! Use your own method or see our tips.STEP 3Let others know how many emails you deleted. Share your score here.2. Participate with your workmatesSo itâ??s not a surprise that as we observed, surveyed and interviewed well over 1000 office workers as part of […]
Opera Day
Operas have been captivating audiences since the sixteenth century, and this highly revered art form continues to gain new enthusiasts today. An opera is a piece of performance art that combines music with text, and is often a dramatic enaction of a story, complete with acting, scenery and costumes.There is no better time to celebrate […]
Laugh And Get Rich Day
All of your resolutions for the new year pale into insignificance next to Laugh And Get Rich Day. Well, crack on then – what are you waiting for?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Kite Flying Day
Find a sunny, public open place, and join in with Kite Flying Day! Take a picnic to the park and get competitive, seeing who can fly the highest, the fastest, and the most intricately!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Clean Out Your Computer Day
If your computer is running slowly, if your PC fans are noisy, or if you’re experiencing crashes and poor performance, it may be that your computer is just a bit dusty.Clean Out Your Computer Day is an annual reminder to open up the casing (turn off the power first!), and to give everything a good, […]
Molasses Bar Day
When was the last time you appreciated the simple flavors of an old-fashioned molasses dessert? Source:
Bagels & Lox Day
The most-satisfying brunch spread is also the easiest: a DIY buffet of bagels and smoked salmon (aka lox). Don’t forget the cream cheese and some strong coffee! Source:
Toothache Day
Toothaches are no fun, and so you will no doubt be surprised to learn that Toothache Day exists. Don’t be alarmed, though. This day is certainly not about celebrating the dreaded toothache. No way! Instead, Toothache Day is actually more about education and awareness and helping people learn how to prevent them happening to begin […]
Read In The Bathtub Day
A day for relaxing in style, Read In The Bathtub Day gives you the opportunity to have a guilt-free early, relaxing night with no pressures.Disconnect the phone, lock the door, turn down the lights and pick out your favourite book safe in the knowledge that all you’ve got to worry about is enjoying yourself. Why […]
Extraterrestrial Culture Day
An officially acknowledged day in New Mexico (Roswell), Extraterrestrial Culture Day celebrates extraterrestrial cultures, and our past, present and future relationships with extraterrestrial visitors.Get the kettle on and set the table for a guest, ET might just be popping round!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Cream Cheese Brownie Day
Who can resist a swirl? When you can’t choose between two great flavors, these treats offer the best of both worlds. Source:
Plimsoll Day
Plimsoll Day is to dedicated to the memory of Samuel Plimsoll, a member of the English Parliament who championed sailors’ safety while traveling the world’s waterways in crammed ships. He was instrumental in the amendment of Britain’s Merchant Shipping Act, which came about in response to the then – national problem of dangerously overloaded ships. […]
Umbrella Day
Umbrellas are a remarkably effective accessory for protecting yourself from wind, rain and sun. Whatever the weather, Umbrella Day is a great excuse to sport a fetching brolly when you’re out and about!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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