National Holidays

Get Over It Day
Letting go and moving on is a difficult, painful process. Bad relationships, bad decisions—we tend to revisit the moments when we were not-so-smart …More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at Please leave this field emptyOh hi there 👋 It’s nice to meet you. Sign up to receive weekly holidays in your inbox. […]
Bagpipers parade annual New Hampshire
International Bagpipe Day
International Bagpipe Day, celebrated on March 10, honors the bagpipe’s rich history and cultural significance worldwide. Established in 2012, it unites communities through music, preserving traditions and inspiring future generations. The day highlights the instrument’s emotional power, from solemn memorials to joyous celebrations, ensuring its legacy endures. Join the global celebration!
lawyers posing for a photo
Love Litigating Lawyers Day
Every year on August 31, we observe Love Litigating Lawyers Day, a holiday dedicated to appreciating and recognizing the vital role that litigating lawyers play in our society. Often portrayed as contentious figures in popular media, litigating lawyers are, in reality, essential defenders of justice and champions of the rule of law. This day is an opportunity to celebrate the dedication, skill, and hard work of those who navigate the complexities of the legal system to ensure that justice is served.
Panic Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 9 Try to stay calm. Take a deep breath. For today is Panic Day. Can you handle today? Good, we were worried for a moment. Hopefully, everything is going just swell in your life, and you have no need for this day. But, if problems and troubles are looming, […]
False Teeth Day
Presumably begun by cynical and canny dentists on the hunt for extra work, False Teeth Day celebrates the replacement teeth which will never let you down, even if your real teeth have!The first society known to have made dentures are a pre-Roman Italian people called the Etruscans. They used real teeth, whether human or animal, […]
Barbie Day
Celebrate one of the world’s best known dolls – Barbie Day celebrates her debut in New York at the American International Toy Fair in 1959.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Check Your Batteries Day
We all know that some days are silly or light-hearted, but there are others which serve an important purpose. Check Your Batteries Day is definitely highly recommended because it could actually save your life.Created to raise awareness of the importance of testing and having working batteries in household appliances like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide […]
Crabmeat Day
Early crab recipes called for tiny amounts of the meat because crabs were so tough to harvest and shell. Nowadays, crabmeat comes fresh, frozen, canned or even imitation — no cracking required! Source:
Raven png sticker, vintage bird
Raven Legend Day
Raven Legend Day, celebrated on March 10, honors the raven as a symbol of mystery, transformation, and wisdom. Rooted in ancient traditions, it encourages introspection, creativity, and connection to nature. This day inspires us to confront fears, embrace the unknown, and celebrate the enduring power of myth and self-discovery.
Super Mario arcade game action
Have an Amazing Super Mario Day!
National Mario Day on March 10th is a joyous celebration of gaming’s most iconic hero! From his humble beginnings as Jumpman to his global stardom, Mario has captured hearts worldwide. Grab a controller, dive into the Mushroom Kingdom, and join millions in honoring the plumber who revolutionized gaming. Let’s-a go!
Girls having lunch at canteen
Pack Your Lunch Day
Pack Your Lunch Day on March 10 celebrates self-care, health, and tradition by encouraging homemade meals. It promotes mindfulness, sustainability, and connection, evoking nostalgia and emotional warmth. This simple act fosters well-being and inspires others to prioritize intentional living. Let’s embrace this ritual to nourish ourselves and the planet, one lunch at a time.
Dream catcher magical balinese garden
Dream Day
Dream Day on March 10 celebrates the power of dreams to inspire, transform, and unite us. Rooted in renewal and hope, it encourages reflection, goal-setting, and action. A universal celebration, it reminds us that dreams fuel progress, resilience, and purpose. Dream big, take small steps, and believe in your potential. 🌟
Dark oval shaped rock with the text “YOU ARE AWESOME” in blue written on it with wood chips underneath the rock
The International Day of Awesomeness
The International Day of Awesomeness, celebrated on March 10, began in 2007 as a lighthearted idea to honor extraordinary achievements and everyday kindness. It inspires people to recognize their own awesomeness, celebrate others, and spread positivity. This global movement reminds us that everyone has the power to make a difference and create joy.
I believe you have my stapler
Fill Our Staplers Day
Fill Our Staplers Day, celebrated on March 10, honors the humble stapler and the camaraderie it symbolizes in the workplace. Originating as an office joke, it highlights small acts of kindness and teamwork. By refilling staplers, expressing gratitude, and fostering connection, this quirky holiday reminds us to appreciate the little things that make work meaningful.
Worship of Tools Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 11th There are few things that the male population worships more than his tools. To some, a tool is a natural extension of their arm. So, Worship of Tools Day is a logical day of celebration. And, it's definitely a guy thing. Please note however, there are more than […]
World Plumbing Day
Get under the sink and fix those u-bends today.
Nametag Day
Put on a nametag today and write any name you want on it
Apple sticker, fruit illustration vector
National Johnny Appleseed Day
National Johnny Appleseed Day on March 11 honors John Chapman, a pioneer who planted apple trees across America, symbolizing generosity, sustainability, and community. His legacy inspires environmental stewardship and kindness. Celebrations include planting trees, apple-themed activities, and reflecting on his enduring impact, reminding us that small acts can create lasting change.
Oatmeal Nut Waffle Day
It’s hard to imagine a heartier — or more oddly specific! — breakfast treat than oatmeal nut waffles. But we’ll try with a collection of our favorite morning rib-stickers. Source:
Baked Scallops Day
Scallop shells symbolized female fertility in ancient times. Venus, the goddess of love, was often depicted with them, most famously in Botticelli's "Birth of Venus." Source:
Plant a Flower Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 12th Plant a Flower Day is a day to get a little dirt under your fingernails. Take a few minutes to plant a flower today. Gardening is a great hobby. It's enjoyed by millions of people, old and young alike. Its a hobby that virtually everyone can participate in, […]
Middle Name Pride Day
Take pride in your middle name and if you don't have one, make one up
Harry Houdini Day
Spend some time and learn a magic trick today.
Lobster Newburg Day
Named after sea captain Ben Wenburg, this dish got a new title when he and the chef at Delmonico’s had a falling out. It was too popular to take it off the menu. Source:
Ken Day
Ken Day celebrates the occasion in 1961 when Barbie’s long-term on-off boyfriend, Ken Carson, first appeared on the scene, exhibited by his makers Mattel at a toy fair. In spite of some unfair comments about his manliness, and the rather more likely suggestions that he cared more about his clothes than his love life, the […]
Genealogy Day
Take some time out and remember your ancestors
Earmuffs Day
Protect your ears from loud noises and protect them from the cold on Earmuffs Day!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Jewel Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 13th Jewel Day is your chance to give or receive jewelry. Will you receive jewelry today? Who knows? But one thing we can be certain about ....... jewelry stores love this holiday. Yesireee! Today is a jewel of a day to receive jewelry. While most people think this is […]
Open An Umbrella Indoors Day
Everybody knows that opening an umbrella indoors is supposed to be bad luck. But is there any truth behind this age-old superstition? Fortunately for those spending sleepless nights pondering this question, there is actually a wacky holiday dedicated to finding out the truth. The aptly-named Open An Umbrella Indoors Day was invented in 2003 by […]
Coconut Torte Day
Seems only 51 weeks ago we were last celebrating Coconut Torte Day with a delicious, moist, coconutty coconut torte. But no, apparently it’s been a whole year! Thank goodness it’s rolled around again so soon. What could be more exciting than the smell of a cake in the oven?Not just any cake either. This will […]

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