National Holidays

Buy-A-Doughnut Day
Why not start your day today with a Doughnut?
Magic Day
Magic Day started with a “Houdini Day”, the first of which took place in the summer of 1927, less than one year after the famous magician’s death. His wife presented a trophy in honour of him on that day.Harry Houdini is quite probably one of the reasons magic is so popular today and at the […]
National Caramel Apple Day
Increase Your Psychic Powers Day
When : Always October 31st Increase Your Psychic Powers Day is today. Go ahead and guess, errr read my mind....if you can. I'm thinking of a number from one to ten. Okay, take a guess.......what number is it?? Nope, it's ten. Sure, I fooled you. But, if you truely have psychic powers, you would know […]
Carve a Pumpkin Day
When : Always October 31st Carve a Pumpkin Day is today. If you don't carve a pumpkin by today, when will you get to it? This is your last chance to carve a pumpkin because Halloween is tonight. Pull out your caring patterns and get down to work. If you can't find the patterns you […]
Movember begins
The Movember Foundation is the leading global organization committed to changing the face of men’s health. The Movember community has raised $559 million to date and funded over 800 programs in 21 countries. This work is saving and improving the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems. The Movember Foundation challenges men […]
Authors’ Day
Celebrate literature in all its forms on Authors’ Day, and show your appreciation for the incredibly hard work put in by the authors behind your favourite writings.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Saxophone Day
Saxophone Day is all about smooth jazz, soulful blues and good old rock’n’roll. Everybody’s wants to be able to play that bit from Baker Street (and it’s perfectly fine to ‘air sax’ along to it, right?), so take this day as an opportunity to go for it! Dust off, borrow, buy or rent a saxophone […]
Look for Circles Day
When : Always November 2 Look For Circles Day  is today. Go forth, in search of circles. We suspect you will find them everywhere. Looking for circles, is a lot like swimming in a round pool. You go round and round. There's a lots of splashing. But, you don't get anywhere. Did you find lots […]
Deviled Egg Day
There are many ways to prepare eggs, but one of the most delicious is to make them into deviled eggs. If you haven’t tried this method before, the perfect day to start is Deviled Egg Day.Start with a hard boiled egg, and slice it in half. Scoop out the yolk and mash it with mayonnaise […]
Job Action Day
Finding the perfect job can be difficult; never mind trying to get back into work after a period of unemployment! Job Action Day aims not to help people take action to get into work and to find a job which challenges them and makes use of their skill set, but to encourage you to think […]
Sandwich Day
Sandwich Day celebrates the ultimate convenience food. Why not try something a little different in your lunchbox today?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
King Tut Day
When : Always November 4th King Tut Day celebrates the date of the discovery of King Tutankhamen's Tomb. Over 3,000 years ago, King Tutankhamen became the King of Egypt at the age of 9. He died at the age of 19. He is commonly called ""King Tut"". The tomb of Egypt's ""child king"" was discovered […]
Use Your Common Sense Day
Thanks to Bud Bilanich for creating Use Your Common Sense Day on the birth date of Will Rogers, which encourages us to use applied common sense – because “common sense ain’t that common“.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Waiting for the Barbarians Day
Stand around and await the inevitable today
Men Make Dinner Day
Men Make Dinner Day is aimed at the men who never cook. The day has its own website which features reasons for participation, rules for today and even some simple recipes to get you started.Rules include a no interference policy for the women of the household, no feeding the resulting meal to the dog, and […]
Guy Fawkes Day
Remember, Remember the fifth of November ...
Marooned Without a Compass Day
When : Always November 6th Marooned Without a Compass Day is today. Which direction will you take today? How is your sense of direction? Do you often find yourself going around in circles? Do you feel hopelessly lost? Do you know where you are? If any of these questions describe your current state of being, […]
National Nachos Day
Have some Nachos for Lunch today
National Chocolate Chip Day
What is the celebration of one of the worldâs favorite forms of chocolate⦠You guessed it, chocolate chips! From cookies to brownies, we all love those tasty hidden nuggets of blended cocoa, and whether youâre a fan of dark, milk or white chocolate this is definitely a day for everyone to appreciate. So get those oven […]
Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
When : Always November 7th National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day is today. Lucky you....lucky me. Chocolate is a vegetable, made from cocoa beans. Almonds are good for you, as they help to improve your Cholesterol levels. So, bittersweet chocolate with almonds is goo for you, right!? On this special day, we will not question […]
Notary Public Day
Have something Noterised today
Dunce Day
When : Always November 8th Dunce Day celebrates the the term ""Dunce"" and dunce caps. Today marks the death (November 8, 1308) of medieval scholar Duns Scotus of Duns, Scotland. Dunce Day is all about learning. So, lets get right to it and learn about dunce caps and the creator of dunce caps. Duns Scotus […]
Cook Something Bold Day
When : Always November 8th Cook Something Bold Day is today. According to it's creator,, Cook Something Bold Day is designed to encourage us to cook something bold and daring, that will fill up the house with warm, ""homey"" odors. It is celebrated in the month of November, as houses are closed up for […]
X-Ray Day
Wilhelm Röntgen discovered x-rays on November 8th, 1895 when he discovered treated cardboard he was using in routine experiments glowed in certain situations – the result of radiation hitting the surface. X-Ray Day celebrates his discovery, and all things x-ray; from the use of x-rays in obvious places such as hospitals and healthcare, to less […]
Tongue Twister Day
Peter Piper picked a peck of… Peter Piper pecked a pick… Never mind; you get the point. Tongue Twister Day is about fumbling through those awkward phrases in an attempt to improve enunciation and impress your friends.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Chaos Never Dies Day
There are, let’s face it, quite a number of days dedicated to stress relief, calmness and generally taking it easy. All of these days work on the premise that we’re too busy, too bustly, and need to step away from it all for a little while. But the world doesn’t work like that – we’re […]
Young Readers Day
When : Second Tuesday of November Young Readers Day is today. Reading opens up a lifetime of knowledge, information, success, and happiness. According to the creators of this day, it is ""... a special day to recognize the joys and benefits of reading."" Grade schools around the country take advantage of this day, to promote […]
Area Code Day
Whilst area codes certainly aren’t as important today as they used to be – primarily due to the proliferation of mobile phones – area codes used to be a point of prestige. Area Code Day remembers a bygone era when the evolution of telephone networks meant changing numbers, changing boundary definitions, and how much your […]
Forget-Me-Not Day
When : Always November 10th Forget-Me-Not Day is a day to remember family, friends, and loved ones. People use this day to get in touch with family, friends and loved ones, especially those who we haven't seen in a while. You don't want them to forget you, do you!? This day is intended to remember […]