National Holidays

Distaff Day
Distaff Day, also called Roc Day, is 7 January, the day after the feast of the Epiphany. It is also known as Saint Distaff's Day, one of the many unofficial holidays in Catholic nations.Many St. Distaff's Day gatherings were held, large and small, throughout local fiber community. The distaff, or rock, used in spinning was […]
Old Rock Day
Old Rock Day is a day when people give importance and appreciate old fossils and rocks. This day is celebrated on January 7th every year. This day is completely dedicated to collect different rocks. To make this day more exciting, you can go on a small adventurous trip to hunt for old fossils and rocks […]
I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day
I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day is when we can fight back against all the injustices inflicted upon us.Arrive late for work by putting yourself first, and spend some time buying yourself a present when you should be at your office or factory.Don’t open any letters that look suspiciously like bills. And if […]
Dress Up a Pet Day
Dogs in hats, Cats in pants, birds with sunglasses - dress-up your pet today.
Tempura Day
Everything tastes better when it’s dipped in light, Japanese-style batter and fried, right? Tempura Day is all about making light, crispy batter for your seafood, vegetables and favourite snacks!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Earth’s Rotation Day
Ever feel like you’re just spinning around and around? Don’t worry – we all are, all the time! Earth’s Rotation Day is a little reminder that we’re all spinning out of control, and there’s nothing that we can do about it.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Bubble Bath Day
What better way to unwind than with a hot, soapy bubble bath? Bubble Bath Day encourages you to relax, so light the candles, play some soothing music and lose yourself in a favourite book for an hour or so.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Postal Day
Thank your postal worker, rain or shine you get your mail.
Male Watchers Day
Date When Celebrated : Always January 8th Ladies, here is a day that you can thoroughly enjoy! On Male Watcher's Day, you get the opportunity to go out and watch the guys. After all, they have their fun watching the ladies. Now, it's your turn, to hoot and holler. You can perform your Male Watching […]
Joy Germ Day
Seldom does the word â??germâ?? mean anything remotely positive. The very sound of the word makes your nose curl up in disgust â?? you really donâ??t want to be catching any germs! You recoil in horror as your friend says â??Donâ??t come too close; Iâ??ve got a cold.â?.There is one sort of germ that you […]
Show & Tell Day At Work Day
Remember back in school when it was your turn for Show & Tell? You got to bring in your pet, your baby brother, or a medal you’d won and be the proud centre of attention for a few moments. Such fun should not have to end once you are grown up! Why not make the […]
World Literacy Day
For the sake of the world, read today
Argyle Day
We’ve all got a favourite knitwear pattern, right? Heck, most people suffer sleepless nights trying to prioritise plaid over tartan. Well this is the day where argyle fans get to come out loud and proud. Yes, finally you can dig out all thirty-six pairs of socks you’ve hidden at the back of the wardrobe since […]
English Toffee Day
This form of caramel has a pleasant crumbly snap and marries well with nuts and chocolate. Enjoy it plain or infuse baked goods with shots of its buttery goodness.Homemade English ToffeeToffee Sandwich CookiesButter Toffee CookiesHoney-Roasted Peanut Butter Toffee Swirl CookiesBrownie TrifleSour Cream Banana Cake with Toffee Bar Topping
Apricot Day
Not many people know that just three apricots will provide a person with a third of your daily beta carotene needs. This is just one of the benefits of this fruit that are celebrated on Apricot Day! Apricots are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and fibre.Apricots have been grown by humans for around […]
Coming of Age Day
OriginComing of Age Day is celebrated in the month of January which falls on the second Monday of the month. This day is celebrated as a national holiday, especially for those people who have just stepped into adulthood. This day is special for every person as they move one step ahead of being a responsible […]
International Thank You Day
Be sure to say thank you all day today
Static Electricity Day
National Static Electricity Day is celebrated on January 9th. Many people would not understand what static electricity really is and how it works. In the US, in the month of January every day is dedicated for a particular cause or an event, therefore January 9th is dedicated as the National Static Electricity Day.What is static […]
Play God Day
Our research did not discover any information on the meaning or purpose of this day. What we do know ,is that God is good. Therefore, we believe that Play God Day is a day to do something good and extra special. To mark this day, we suggest that you do something good that will make […]
Volunteer Fireman’s Day
Say thanks to a volunteer fire-fighter for all their hardwork
Peculiar People Day
Peculiar People Day is in honor of uniquely different people. Un-ordinary, extraordinary, unusual, strange, odd, uncommon, intriguing, different, abnormal, and quirky.... These are all things that we think of to describe the word ""peculiar"". Most of these characteristics can be viewed as good, or not so good. Today is a day to look for the […]
Bittersweet Chocolate Day
The history of Bittersweet Chocolate Day is shrouded in the froth of a hot drink. That is to say no one should spend too long thinking about the history of chocolate; it was made for eating.Bittersweet chocolate is dark chocolate that is sweetened with cane sugar. It may have a touch of vanilla, but never […]
Houseplant Appreciation Day
Having greenery indoors, at home, and in your living room can improve your environment, freshen your air, and make a room more pleasant and colourful. Houseplant Appreciation Day encourages you to look after your houseplants, to grow and maintain a variety of colourful indoor flowers, and to generally appreciate house plants!More Details...All details taken directly from […]
Marzipan Day
Love it or hate it, marzipan plays a big role during the festive period. Chances are youâ??ve got a fair bit left over (including toppings of Christmas cakes and treats), and youâ??ll need something to do with it. Marzipan Day is all about exploring this sweet, yellowish paste of ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites as […]
Bad Back Day
If you have a bad back, today is for you
Hug an Economist Day
Dr Aidan Kane tells me today is world 'hug an economist' day. I warn you I will not commit to the hug. Once you've finished, I'll say 'I don't accept that'.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Secret Pal Day
January 11th is the date when people celebrate Secret Pal Day all over the world. This is a very special day for all friends as there is nothing more precious than having a true friend. Therefore, value your friends and feel lucky to be blessed with good friends in your life.Though the origin of Secret […]
Clean Off Your Desk Day
Clean Off Your Desk Day heralds the beginning of some serious spring cleaning. Do you really need all that junk, old paperwork and mess on your desk? If the answer’s no, take the opportunity to do a little tidying!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
Why January 11th?There is a controversy among some MorseCode operators on who actually created the code: Samuel Morse or AlfredVail.  So, in order to not offend either side, I've chosen the dateof January 11, because on January 11, 1838  both Morse and Vail didthe first public demonstration of the electric telegraph together.What's The Purpose?As of […]
Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day
Feeling mischievous? Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day gives you an excuse to have some fun or even get revenge by jumping in puddles and splashing your friends (pretty self-explanatory). Don’t forget to wear wellies!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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