National Holidays

Batman Day
If you are of the opinion that there are not enough days set aside to celebrate fictional vigilantes, who dress up as flying creatures in order to tackle crime, then we agree with you. Fortunately, there is one such date set aside every year – Batman Day.The purpose of Batman Day is to celebrate the […]
Mother Goose Day
When: Always on May 1st Mother Goose Day was created only recently, as a day to appreciate nursery rhymes and stories. They are a favorite of children and their parents. The term ""Mother Goose"" dates back to the 1650's. It refered to stories like Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty. It does not […]
Save the Rhino Day
When: Always on May 1st Q: What animal has roamed the earth for over a million years, and has been hunted to near extinction? A: You guessed it, the Rhinoceros. Save the Rhino Day encourages us to be aware of, and support efforts to save the Rhinoceros from extinction. The Rhinoceros is a fascinating creature. […]
No Pants Day
Feeling constrained by your clothing, relaxing in the privacy of your own home, and wanting to feel the breeze on your bare legs? No Pants Day is the perfect opportunity to brandish your pasty white ankled, and to liberate you legs!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
CSS Reboot Day
Its CSS Reboot Day Today. Today webmasters from all over the world will launch their web standards-based redesigns simultaneously, bringing traffic, interest and respect to their sites.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Free Comic Book Day
Free Comic Book Day, taking place on the first Saturday of May, is an annual promotional effort by the North American comic book industry to help bring new readers into independent comic book stores. Retailer Joe Field of Flying Colors Comics in Concord, California brainstormed the event in his ""Big Picture"" column in the August […]
Global Love Day
As we continue to connect with people and organizations around the world, we are amazed at how much is being done in efforts to positively assist humanity. There are so many wonderful people and associations that are actively working on behalf of a community, nation and even in global proportions. As we often remind ourselves, […]
New Home Owners Day
If you’ve recently taken the plunge and purchased a house, New Home Owners Day is the perfect time to celebrate your new home! This is your day to forget the stresses of the whole process and bask in your accomplishments.Even better, why not schedule your housewarming for the occasion? Invite all of your friends and […]
School Principals’ Day
Along with lawyers and bankers, school principals are in a small group of jobs whose holders are often hated and only rarely appreciated. That should change on School Principals’ Day, the origin of which is unknown but can probably be credited to teachers’ unions!Though the job title varies between countries (‘School Principal’ is used in […]
Lei Day
The most common festivities on Lei Day are hula, lei making demonstrations and contests, and the crowning of the Lei Queen and her court. What better way to celebrate Lei Day than by booking a trip to one of Hawaii’s many resorts!Each island has its own Lei, traditional to each made with flowers, fruit and vines […]
World Naked Gardening Day
Get ready for the Annual World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD)! People across the globe are encouraged, on the first Saturday of May, to tend their portion of the world's garden unclothed as nature intended. Gardening has a timeless quality, and anyone can do it: young and old, singles or groups, the fit and infirm, urban […]
Space Day
Learn something about outerspace today
Roberts Rule of Order Day
I second that motion
Paranormal Day
Paranormal Day is a day for all those who believe in paranormal activity to share experiences all around the world. At the very least, it’s a great excuse to catch up with friends and watch a scary movie!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Kite Day
Get outside and fly a kite today - weather pending!
National Weather Observer’s Day
Baby Day
Smiley, squishy, faces are perfect reasons to put Baby Day on the map. Although it’s difficult to pinpoint why, or where this day originated, we can easily speculate! Anyone who has ever yearned for, had, or known a baby, could list dozens of reasons why babies are special. Babies are not just cute, but they […]
Join Hands Day
While you might think that Join Hands Day is all about shaking the hands of strangers you meet in the street, it is fact a day dedicated to attempting a union in our communities between the older generation and the younger generation. In the world where youths are persecuted, and the elderly are presented as […]
Lumpy Rug Day
When: Always on May 3rd Lumpy Rug Day is intended to appreciate a good rug. A rug should be smooth, even, and definitely not lumpy. Many of us stretch out on a rug to watch Tv, play games, and even catch 40 winks. If the rug is lumpy, you'll know it. There are a number […]
International Grab a Boob Day
Don't let the fact that Mila Kunis' boobs are grabbed in the cover photo fool you. This event does not exclude anyone on the basis of their sex, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation (like Christmas, Mother's day, Sinterklaas or Coming Out Day). As long as you have a pectoralis, with or without any fat attached […]
Two Different Colored Shoes Day
There are lots of ways to express ourselves, but what better way than celebrating Two Different Colored Shoes Day? Every day we wake up and, without thinking about it, put on two shoes which are exactly the same – the only difference being one shoe is for the left foot and the other for the […]
Garden Meditiation Day
Garden Meditation Day provides the perfect opportunity to achieve inner peace while honoring the essential ties between people and the environment. Garden and wild plants play a huge role in sustaining life on Earth; they produce food, they make oxygen, they preserve the soil and they beautify the planet. It’s no wonder that mankind has […]
World Laughter Day
World Laughter Day takes place on the first Sunday of May of every year .[1] The first celebration was on January 10, 1998, in Mumbai, India, and was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement.Laughter Yoga says: Laughter is a positive and powerful emotion that has all the ingredients required […]
Petite And Proud Day
For all people under 5’4″, you have a day where you can be petite and proud! Are you tired of people making derogatory comments about your size, such as: half pint, vertically challenged or titch? Petite And Proud Day is all about celebrating our lack of height and the advantages it brings. For example, we […]
Candied Orange Peel Day
When: Always on May 4th National Candied Orange Peel Day is dedicated guessed it.... candied orange peels! Now, just what the heck is a candied orange peel? And, is it edible? Yes, it's edible. If you are a chef or a baker, then you know just what it is, and how to use it. […]
Renewal Day
When: Always on May 4th Renewal Day is an absolutely spectacular day. It's a day of new, and old, beginnings. Things get old and out of sorts. We lose touch with friends, loved ones, and relationships. For whatever reason, we ""let ""it"" go. Well, whatever ""it"" is, today is the day to renew it, rejuvenate […]
Star Wars Day
Star Wars Day is an unofficial secular holiday in May which celebrates the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. It is observed by fans of the movies. Observance of the holiday spread quickly due to Internet, social media, and grassroots celebrations.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Oyster Day
When: Always on May 5th Oyster Day is a pearl of a day. Oysters are a shellfish, or ""mollusks"" found in both freshwater and saltwater. They often produce pearls, making Oyster Day a real gem. In the ocean (or freshwater for some types), oysters they sift food from the water around them. In doing so, […]
Cinco de Mustache
Grow the best Mustache posible and compete with your friends for their adoration.
Roast Leg of Lamb Day
Leg of lamb is a hugely popular and versatile dish, often cooked with fresh herbs (such as rosemary), garlic or even fruity sauces. Roast Leg Of Lamb Day is all about celebrating this tasty dish!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at