
Save the Rhino Day

When: Always on May 1st

Q: What animal has roamed the earth for over a million years, and has been hunted to near extinction?

A: You guessed it, the Rhinoceros.

Save the Rhino Day encourages us to be aware of, and support efforts to save the Rhinoceros from extinction.

The Rhinoceros is a fascinating creature. Native to Africa, this leftover from the age of Dinosaurs was hunted to near extinction. Hunters on safaris, killed Rhinos just for sport. Poachers hunted them for their horn. The horn has been used as medicine, and for making knife handles, carved statues, and other objects. Animal rights groups have helped to save this animal from extinction, and their numbers have rebounded somewhat.

Did you know? The horn of the Rhinoceros is composed of the same material as your fingernail.

You can enjoy Save the Rhino Day in a variety of ways. Watch documentaries on the Rhinoceros. Visit Rhinos at a zoo. Better still, go on a safari to see one! You can also donate to groups working towards preserving the Rhinoceros. 

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/May/saverhinoday.htm

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