Star Wars Day

Star Wars Day is an unofficial secular holiday in May which celebrates the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. It is observed by fans of the movies. Observance of the holiday spread quickly due to Internet, social media, and grassroots celebrations.
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Wonderful Weirdos Day
Nothing’s quite as dull as being normal, boring and average. Celebrate being weird, and celebrate the weirdos in your life on Wonderful Weirdos Day. Make an effort to be weird by dressing weirdly, doing weird things and encouraging weirdness with your friends and in the workplace!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
East Meets West Day
When : Always April 25th It's East Meets West Day.... time for a few introductions. Many kinds of sports team hold annual East vs. West games. Most often, its held by high school sports teams. It does  not have to be limited to sports teams. It could be any club or organization that holds competitions, […]
people standing on wooden dock
Fly A Kite Day
Date: June 15 Fly A Kite Day is a fun and breezy holiday that encourages people of all ages to enjoy the simple pleasure of flying a kite. Whether you're a seasoned kite enthusiast or a beginner, this day is perfect for heading outdoors and letting your kite soar. History Fly A Kite Day is […]
Single Tasking Day
Research shows that multitasking is really inefficient. Trying to focus on and hop between multiple tasks dilutes focus, introduces delays, and makes things take longer to complete. Single Tasking Day, then, is about embracing one and only one task. Make a list, put it in order of priority, and get started on a task – […]

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