Cuddle Up Day

Cuddle Up Day: It’s time to make yourself a hot chocolate with plenty of marshmallows, pull on your PJs and snuggle up with a teddy bear, a good book, or maybe even another human being if you’re especially lucky.

We’ve all got our personal responsibilities, from careers and family to finances and charity work, so we’re allowed a day to just relax and let all the week’s stresses melt away. Without the occasional day of rest and relaxation we’ll just burn out; even those who consider themselves dynamic go-getters and hard as nails need to cuddle up every now and then, whether they admit it or not.

So get that pillow all plumped up, pick out some DVDs and surround your bed or sofa with as many snacks as can fit within arm’s reach, because this isn’t your day to shine, it’s your day to cuddle up!

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