Fish Fingers and Custard Day

Lips Appreciation Day
Who doesn’t love lips, right? Take a moment to appreciate the tactile and speech facilities given to you through the use of your lips for Lips Appreciation Day!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Homemade Soup Day
Soup is a common meal in many countries and probably dates back to the invention of the earliest cooking pots. Today it’s easy to open a can and heat some premade soup, but soup is even better when it’s made at home. Soup is easy, cheap and usually quick to make and can be stuffed […]
Oatmeal Cookie Day
Although no record seems to exist regarding the origins of Oatmeal Cookie Day, the Internet is filled with evidence that it is a genuine celebration of what is considered to be the healthiest cookie of all.Oatcakes have been relied on to deliver quick boosts of energy since the middle ages and though recipes are today […]
Reach as High as You Can Day
When : Always April 14th Reach as High as You Can Day is a day to expand your horizons. And, it truely will be an uplifting experience. Today, there are no limits. You can literally reach for the sky. Is there something you've wanted to ""go for"", and felt it was just out of reach? […]