Festival of Sleep Day

When: Always on January 3rd

No, you are not dreaming. But, perhaps you should be. Festival of Sleep Day is today. It is an opportunity to sleep in, snooze, doze, nap, and catch 40 winks.

We feel this is the perfect date for Festival of Sleep Day. The holidays are over...Wow, weren't they exhausting! It's cold and snowy.... time to hibernate. And, why not re-charge the batteries as a new year of school and work begins?

Festival of Sleep Day is a favorite holiday to catch up on a little sleep. Whether its all day, a full 8 hours, or just a power nap, enjoy the day sleeping. Cozy up in bed on the couch, or any other comfortable place. Oh.... don't forget your favorite stuffed animal.  It's okay to sleep alone, sleep alone or with someone else. We do not recommend groups sleeps.

Caution: Sleeping at work is not recommended, today, or any day. The only exception is for mattress testers.

Warning #2: The Surgeon General has determined that sleeping is good for your health.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.holidayinsights.com/other/festivalofsleep.htm

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