Get Out Your Guitar Day

Take cover! Yes that’s right, someone has officially granted all the doleful Dylans and hopeful Hendrixes a whole day of their own to pull their axe out of the attic, dust it off and, if you’re lucky, find someone who can tune it.

So when did you first Kum By Yah guitar? Time goes by so slowly but still You Can’t Always Get What You Want when it comes to sitting down and murdering Summer Of 69 as often as you’d like to. Plus, people always seem to have something urgent to do when you fancy a sing-song. Wash their dog… vacuum their hair… tidy out that drawer that’s full of lighbulbs and fuses and old keys for things. It doesn’t seem right.

You used to have talent, you were going places, you just never got the breaks. So we’d like to personally assure you this Get Out Your Guitar Day that we believe in you, you’ve really got, erm, something. Just please don’t tell anyone where you got the idea for the jamboree you should absolutely, definitely organise.

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