Western Monarch Day

For Western Monarch Day, we’re not celebrating Queen Elizabeth and friends, but the annual migratory return of the Western Monarch butterfly to the central Californian coast. The Western Monarch has a beautiful, distinctive pattern of amber and black on its wings, creating almost a stained glass window effect. It lives to the west of the Rocky Mountain Range and fly south to California to survive the winter.

The species is believed to be in decline, so those living along the migratory route, can celebrate Western Monarch Day by ensuring there are plenty of flowering plants, especially milkweed in their backyards to encourage them to visit.

Western Monarch Day is celebrated in California with events centering around Pismo State Beach, where many of the butterflies spend their winter months. Visitors can view the butterflies, learn more about them and help to plant vegetation to help create safe habitats.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/western-monarch-day/

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