Thomas Crapper Day

This day honors quite possibly the greatest plumber ever

black steel helmet near black and gray handle sword
End Of The Middle Ages Day
May 29th commemorates a significant milestone in human civilization – End of the Middle Ages Day. On this day, we reflect on the transition from the medieval period to the dawn of the modern era, a time of profound change and innovation. It serves as a reminder of the enduring legacy of the Middle Ages and the transformative power of historical transitions. Let us pause to honor this pivotal moment and appreciate the rich tapestry of human history that continues to shape our world today.
Happy Mew Year for Cats Day
Any cat owner will tell you that cats consider themselves to be far, far superior to us mere mortals. They most certainly feel entitled and deserving of all that life has to offer, so why not have a Happy Mew Year Day For Cats Day just for them?Like the hugely inferior human version of New […]
National Anthem Day
A day for enjoying a good, patriot sing-a-long, National Anthem Day encourages you to sing your own national anthem, but also to learn those of other countries. How many do you know?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
My Way Day
My Way Day has been created in celebration of that wonderful phrase “It’s my way or the high way”. The history of My Way Day is unclear but it believed to have been inspired by key events in the world happening because someone had a bold idea and they weren’t afraid to go through with […]