Make a Difference Day

When: The fourth Saturday in October

Initiated in 1990, this is a national day is for devoted to helping others by doing volunteer work in the community. The activity can be almost anything. On this day, millions of Americans participate in community improvement projects. It takes the form of cleanup, fixup, painting, and repair in poorer neighborhoods, parks and municipal facilities. It doesn't matter what project you take on. It doesn't matter whether you help a non-profit organization, the community, your town, nursing home, a church, a food kitchen, or any other group in need. What matters is that you participate.

Make a commitment to help others for just one day. Make a difference on Make a Difference Day!

Did You Know? Each year on Make a Difference Day, ex-President Jimmie Carter gets out his hammer and saw, and helps to build or rebuild housing in underprivileged areas. There is not better example of people helping others than this!

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