Miniature Golf Day

Get yourself down to the (tiny) putting green for Miniature Golf Day! A great day out for the family, and an excuse to sharpen up your putting skills all in one fun package. Watch out for the windmill turbines!

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Tangible Karma Day
The purpose of Tangible Karma Day is for people celebrating the event to de-clutter their lives and to give to other people who are in need. Tangible Karma is a company founded by Amber Nicole Dilger in 2005 and her idea was to recycle and reuse. You can visit their website to donate goods and […]
Picnic Day
In the most famous artistic depiction of a picnic, Edouard Manet’s "Le Dejeuner sur l’Herbe," the spread is notably scant — just some fruit and a loaf of bread. Source:
Personal Firewall Day
crank-up ipchains and firewall yourself in
Coconut Torte Day
Seems only 51 weeks ago we were last celebrating Coconut Torte Day with a delicious, moist, coconutty coconut torte. But no, apparently it’s been a whole year! Thank goodness it’s rolled around again so soon. What could be more exciting than the smell of a cake in the oven?Not just any cake either. This will […]