Pistachio Day

When : Always February 26th

National Pistachio Day is a nutty day. You can celebrate National Pistachio Day by eating them, and learning more about them. We're going to help with the learning part........ read on.

Nutty Pistachio Facts:

  • Pistachios grow on trees. They are native to the Middle East.
  • Its a long wait to get the first nut. A pistachio tree takes 7-10 years to mature.
  • California is the major producer in the U.S.
  • Pistachios are harvested in September by machines that shake the trees. It less than a minute.
  • The red dye is added to the nuts is only due to consumer demand for the color.
  • Its open hull is unique. The nut is ripe when the hull splits open.
  •  People in the Middle East call it the ""smiling nut"" and in China its called the ""happy nut"".
  • Pistachios are nutritious, so eat them up!

Celebrate today by eating Pistachios. They are great plain as a snack, in ice cream, and in a wide range of desserts.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/February/pistachioday.htm

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