
Earmuffs Day

Protect your ears from loud noises and protect them from the cold on Earmuffs Day!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/earmuffs-day/

Memory Day
Uh…what day is it again? Oh yes, that’s right – Memory Day! Celebrate the amazing gift of your memory – before you forget and the day is over! Why not try one of those on-line brain games to test your memory skills? Or devise your own test at work – cover your eyes and try […]
Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day
Any day can be a beautiful day in the neighborhood – and Won’t you Be My Neighbor Day, is no exception!Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day is a day to remember and honor Fred Rogers, that iconic children’s TV presenter of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. His show reached it’s heyday in popularity back in the 1970’s and […]
Chocolate Caramel Day
What better way to celebrate Chocolate Caramel Day than with a favourite chocolate bar, or a piece of millionaire shortbread? Tuck in!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/chocolate-caramel-day/
Cherry Tart Day
Cherry Tart Day - June 17 Celebrating the delicious and delightful cherry tart! Facts About Cherry Tart Day June 17 is dedicated to celebrating the cherry tart, a delectable dessert that brings joy to many with its sweet and tangy flavors. Cherry Tart Day is a time to appreciate this treat, whether it’s made with […]