Ferret Day

Thesaurus Day
If you look carefully, there is always a reason to celebrate each day of the year. Do an extensive study and you will find out that each day of the year is special, - Awkward Moments Day to Zip Code Day, there is a day dedicated to almost everything under the earth.Thesaurus Day is one […]
Calendar Adjustment Day
Following the British Calendar Act of 1751, Britain adopted the Gregorian Calendar in 1752. However, the current Julian calendar system required them to drop eleven days in order to sync themselves with the proposed Gregorian Calendar. So, on the evening of 2nd September 1752, the population of Britain and its American colonies went to sleep […]
World Porridge Day
The aim of Porridge Day is to raise money for charities (primarily
Wear Brown Shoes Day
Bored of wearing black shoes? Wear Brown Shoes Day might be the answer! Shake things up a little and turn up to work or school wearing brown shoes, and be the envy of all your friends!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/wear-brown-shoes-day/