
Marooned Without a Compass Day

When : Always November 6th

Marooned Without a Compass Day is today. Which direction will you take today?

How is your sense of direction? Do you often find yourself going around in circles? Do you feel hopelessly lost? Do you know where you are? If any of these questions describe your current state of being, then you are in tune to this special day.

As a Boy Scout leader, this author sees this special day as no problem at all. We'll just navigate the day (and night) by the position of the sun and the stars. We'll use our orienteering skills. And, we will check the trees for moss..... moss grows on the shaded, north side of a tree trunk.

Viewed in another way, being marooned without a compass for a day could be a good thing. Our busy life styles seldom leaves time to relax. We can just kick back and enjoy being marooned. Tomorrow, we can head east when the sun rises. In the meantime, I think I see a shady tree.....  

Happy Marooned Without a Compass Day!!!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/November/nocompassday.htm

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