Tag 02-11

Satisfied Staying Single Day

“No one to walk with, but I’m happy on the shelf”, sang Fats Waller. If that’s you, there’s a perfect day to celebrate. And you don’t have to be “through with flirting”, either… Seen by many as the antidote to…

Get Out Your Guitar Day

Take cover! Yes that’s right, someone has officially granted all the doleful Dylans and hopeful Hendrixes a whole day of their own to pull their axe out of the attic, dust it off and, if you’re lucky, find someone who…

White Shirt Day

White Shirt Day marks the end of a union strike by employees of General Motors in 1937. Commemorate their fight for fairer working conditions by wearing a white shirt!More Details…All details taken directly from provider content at

Make a Friend Day

Make a Friend day is the perfect way to break out of the overworked and just plain stressed out state of mind. We are busy leading such hectic lives, we barely have time for ourselves, much less maintaining old friendships.…