Bake Cookies Day

Bake Cookies Day occurs in the middle of the holiday season, and is a great excuse to bake some delicious cookies to help you get through the cold, winter days! Why not try some cinnamon flavoured cookies (such as the snickerdoodle) to get your kitchen smelling of winter festivities?

Cookies arrived in America in the 17th century, although the word arrived much later with the Dutch in its original form of “koekje”, meaning “little cake”. This was soon shortened to “cooky” or “cookie”, although cookies themselves seem to date back as far as 7th century Persia!

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Cat Herders Day
A day for those of us who feel like we’re tasked with the impossible, Cat Herders Day recognises the frustration of trying to manage the unmanageable. Whether it’s work, home, school or other areas of life, if it feels like herding cats, today’s your day.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
World Whale Day
Giants of the ocean are celebrated on World Whale Day, which aims to raise awareness of these magnificent creatures. The annual holiday was founded in Maui, Hawaii, in 1980, to honour humpback whales, which swim off its coast. It’s the main showcase of the Maui Whale Festival.Every year, crowds flock to the island to join […]
Moment of Frustration Day
When : October 12th Moment of Frustration Day is truely a frustrating day. We believe one of the most important reasons for today, is the opportunity to let your frustrations out. If you are not frustrated, count your blessings. Don't use today to add to your frustrations. And whatever you do today, don't find new […]
three guys having a toast
Best Friends Day
Best Friends Day on June 8th is a heartwarming celebration of the special bonds we share with our closest companions. It's a day dedicated to expressing gratitude for the friends who stand by us through thick and thin, bringing joy, support, and laughter into our lives. Whether it's reminiscing about shared memories, exchanging thoughtful gestures, or simply spending quality time together, Best Friends Day reminds us to cherish the invaluable relationships that enrich our lives.

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