Maple Syrup Day

Pancake Day, let’s face it, is mostly an excuse to have Maple Syrup. So let’s dispense with the charade and get down to it – Maple Syrup Day is the real deal, and a great excuse to consume it by the glassful!

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assorted colors umbrella
Umbrella Cover Day
Umbrella Cover Day on July 6 is a whimsical celebration of those often overlooked accessories that keep our umbrellas neatly tucked away. It's the perfect opportunity to showcase the fun and stylish covers that can add a pop of personality to any rainy day ensemble. Join us in honoring these unsung heroes of rainy day fashion on Umbrella Cover Day!
Absolutely Incredible Kids Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 15th Sure, your kid is pretty good. But, my kid is absolutely incredible! As a matter of fact, all of my kids are absolutely incredible. As a parent, I am going to take full advantage of being the author of this page to exercise my bragging rights, and to […]
Yuri’s Night
Today marks the anniversary of the dawn of a new era. Major Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was fired from the Baikonur launch pad in Kazakhstan, Soviet central Asia and was the first man in outer space.
Bubblegum Day
Bubblegum Day is all about eating bubblegum to raise money for charity. Great fun for kids, and a way to help out a good cause; just remember not to swallow too much, and to dispose of it cleanly!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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