Make A Gift Day

Dull greeting cards, gift vouchers and last-minute gifts aren’t the most exciting present to receive for Christmas. Go a step further for a friend or family member, and take part in Make A Gift Day by hand-making something for someone in your life. It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect, or if it’s not expensive – it’s the gesture that counts!

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Rhubarb Day
Though cultivated since ancient times, rhubarb didn’t become popular until the Victorian era, when the masses could finally afford the other ingredient required to make its tart stalks palatable: sugar! Source:
Pecan Day
Indigenous to the Americas, pecans take their name from an Algonquin word that means “nut that requires a stone to crack.” Source:
Stay at Home Because You are Well Day
When : Always November 30th Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day is today. Do you feel okay? If'so, it is a good day to take off from work. According to, the creators of this special day, the objective is to call in ""well"" to your work. It's as simple as that. Caution: […]
Paint The Sky With Stars
Magna Carta Day
Date: June 15 Magna Carta Day commemorates the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, a cornerstone document in the history of democracy and legal rights. This day highlights the enduring significance of the Magna Carta in shaping modern legal systems. History On June 15, 1215, King John of England agreed to the Magna Carta, […]

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