Felt Hat Day

Up until the 20th century, hats played an incredibly important role in fashion and attire – arguably much moreso than today. In the 19th century, felt was a common material for hats, and Felt Hat Day encourages us all to don a felt hat in tribute to this historically significant, but now somewhat neglected accessory.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/felt-hat-day/

Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
Why January 11th?There is a controversy among some MorseCode operators on who actually created the code: Samuel Morse or AlfredVail.  So, in order to not offend either side, I've chosen the dateof January 11, because on January 11, 1838  both Morse and Vail didthe first public demonstration of the electric telegraph together.What's The Purpose?As of […]
Beautiful Day
When : Always November 20th Today is truely a Beautiful Day in every way, shape and form. The world is filled with ugliness. So, as day like today is refreshing, and eye appealing. It's filled with beautiful sights, sounds and smells. But, wait a minute. Just what was Beautiful Day created for? We have yet […]
Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
Chocolate Covered Raisins Day is a great excuse for a treat! Chocolate covered raisins are a great addition to a trail mix pack, or can make a convenient desk-side snack at work!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/chocolate-covered-raisins-day/
beautiful fairy in white dress
Fairy Day
Fairy Day is a whimsical celebration of the enchanting world of fairies. It's a day to indulge in fantasy, magic, and imagination, and to appreciate the beauty of nature and the mysteries of the unseen realm.

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