Limerick Day

When: May 12th

Limerick Day celebrates the birthday of Writer Edward Lear (1812-1888).  It also, of course, celebrates Limerick poems. Limericks were popularized by Lear in 1846 in his Book of Nonsense"".

This day is a time to enjoy and get your fill of Limerick poems. We are so glad that it came along to brighten up our lives. Celebrate Limerick Day in style by writing a Limerick or two of your own. Or, sit down and read a few humorous Limericks. They are guaranteed to make you smile.

A Limerick is a humorous verse or poem. It is five lines longs. It's name come from the city of Limerick, Ireland. The first two lines rhyme with the fifth line rhyme.  The third and fourth lines rhyme.

Did you know? Limerick is the third largest city in Ireland.

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