Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day

On March 29th, 1848, ice blockages caused rivers to run dry, and reduced the flow of water to such an extent that Niagara Falls’ 3,160 tons of water per second flow came to a halt. Locals celebrate with Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day, and with plenty of great hotels in the area, it’s not hard to come celebrate with them!

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Bathtub Party Day
Bathtub Party Day is today. Skip the everyday shower and draw yourself a tub full of warm water. Add a few bath oil beads and Voila, you're ready to hop in and "soak it" in the bathtub. Ahh, how soothing and relaxing! Don't let anything disturb the peace, quiet, and serenity of your bath. Turn off your […]
woman in brown jacket sitting on chair reading book
Embrace Your Geekness Day
Get ready to celebrate your inner geek on July 13th for Embrace Your Geekness Day! It's the perfect time to show off your unique interests, passions, and knowledge in all things geeky. Whether you're into comics, technology, gaming, or any other niche hobby, this day is all about embracing what makes you different and celebrating the geeky side of life. Join in on the fun and let your geek flag fly high on Embrace Your Geekness Day!
World Tapir Day
Candied Orange Peel Day
When: Always on May 4th National Candied Orange Peel Day is dedicated guessed it.... candied orange peels! Now, just what the heck is a candied orange peel? And, is it edible? Yes, it's edible. If you are a chef or a baker, then you know just what it is, and how to use it. […]

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