Harry Houdini Day

Spend some time and learn a magic trick today.

Plan Your Epitaph Day
When : Always April 6th Plan Your Epitaph Day is a day is a little bit morbid for my liking. My first thought was who would create this day? And, why? I don't want to think about it, let alone plan it. However............. When you stop to think about it, maybe it's best if you […]
Pumpkin Day
By October 26th, we in a frenzy of pumpkin obsession. We cannot wait for the big November holiday for pumpkin pie. No siree, we need pumpkin ev-ery-thing! Bars, cookies, coffee, cheesecake, pasta and oatmeal. Pumpkin Chunkin’, pumpkin patches, festivals, bake-offs and television specials. Let’s not forget jack-o-lantern carving, too! This fruit grabs American’s attention. As […]
International Moment of Laughter Day
When : Always April 14th International Moment of Laughter Day is a special day that will put a big smile on your face. The objective of this day is to get people to laugh, and to laugh more often. After all, ""laughter is the best medicine"". Moment of Laughter Day is also known as National […]
International Pizza Cake Day
International Pizza Cake Day - a day for the world to unite around cakes that look like pizzas. Want to learn more about International Pizza Cake Day? Read ""The Tale of Gundermeaux"" (in our photos) to learn about the very first pizza cake!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.facebook.com/InternationalPizzaCakeDay

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