Battery Day

Where would we be without the humble battery? Take a moment to consider how many of your household items use batteries – from cars to remote controls and hand-held devices, Battery Day is all about celebrating and recognising just how important the simple battery is to our way of life.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
Just in case you haven’t indulged enough over the festive and new year periods, Chocolate Covered Cherry Day is an excuse to break open another box of cherry liqueurs and dig right in! The idea behind chocolate-covered cherries is incredible simple: chocolate is delicious. So are cherries. So one day someone said, “Why not combine the […]
Awkward Moments Day
Awkward moments happen all the time, and to some folks more than others! For anyone who’s ever wished the ground would open up and swallow them, Awkward Moments Day is a celebration of all awkward moments. From walking out of a public toilet with loo roll on a shoe, to realising you’ve been speaking to someone […]
photo of person s feet during daytime
Go Barefoot Day
On June 1st, we celebrate Go Barefoot Day, a time to kick off our shoes and embrace the simple pleasure of walking barefoot. This holiday encourages us to connect with nature, feel the earth beneath our feet, and enjoy the freedom and relaxation that comes with going shoeless.
Take back your time day
An initiative to challenge the epidemic of overwork, over-scheduling and time famine that now threatens our health, our families and relationships, our communities and our environment.

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