Our Wacky Holidays

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Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
One of our favourite days of the year, Make Up Your Own Holiday Day is a chance to throw away the rule book and celebrate however you like! Get together with your friends and create your own special holiday, and who knows, if it becomes popular enough, it might end up on our calendar!More Details...All details […]
Nougat Day
Satisfy the sweet tooth on Nougat Day and declare it a day for not counting calories! Heck, satisfy a whole mouth of sweet teeth and smile all the way through bites of the delicious mixture.Celebrate the ode to nougat by opening those all-time favorite candy bars that fill with the tasty confectionary. A mixture of […]
Tolkien Reading Day
Tolkien Reading Day is an annual event, launched by The Tolkien Society in 2003, that takes place on March 25. It has the aim of encouraging the reading of the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, and the use of Tolkien's works in education and library groups. The date of March 25 was chosen in […]
International Waffle Day
As it turns out, waffles are such a popular world-wide phenomenon, that they merit two days in the calendar to celebrate them.Waffle Day began in Sweden as Våffeldagen, actually due to confusion between the Swedish “vårfrudagen” meaning “Our Lady’s Day” which falls on the same date. The day historically marks the beginning of spring and […]
Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
Chocolate Covered Raisins Day is a great excuse for a treat! Chocolate covered raisins are a great addition to a trail mix pack, or can make a convenient desk-side snack at work!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
National Puppy Day
One day to rule them all. Itâ??s the true start of spring, melting your heart quicker than the sun has been able to melt the snow. Launch the gallery to begin this deluge of cuteness, and check out National Puppy Day info.
Near Miss Day
Near Miss Day commemorates March 23rd, 1989, when a large asteroid missed the Earth by a mere 500,000 miles – a very near miss indeed! What would you do if an asteroid was about to hit the Earth – how would you spend your last hours, and would you even want to know?More Details...All details taken […]
Chip and Dip Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 23rd National Chip and Dip Day celebrates America's favorite snack duet. If you re holding a party, it is almost certain that chips and dips are on the snack list. The only possible exclusion would be for an Ice Cream party. Important Note: National Potato Chip Day is on […]
Toast Day
You know what is on the menu today
Corn Dog Day
Corn Dogs are a favourite in America, and commonly associated with the sport of Basketball. Corn Dogs are made by battering and frying (or sometimes baking) hotdog-style sausages on sticks. Why not celebrate Corn Dog Day by making some at home?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Buzzards Day
The annual celebration of a bird whose circling overhead was a signal to the cowboys of old that a once living creature had met its demise seems strange to say the least. Yet, Buzzard Day is circled on the calendars of many dedicated Ohio residents who, once a year, eagerly scan the skies with binoculars […]
Goof Off Day
A chance to step back from the rigours and pressures of every-day life, Goof Off Day encourages you to take some time to be silly, waste an hour or two, and to do something a bit different!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at