When : Always September 18th National Cheeseburger Day is today. Top off America's favorite sandwich, with a piece of cheese. The food industry makes it a point to celebrate a wide variety of foods. We believe the Cheeseburger certainly earns a special day. Celebrate National Cheeseburger Day by firing up the grill, and cooking cheeseburgers. […]
When : September 17th Be a member of the Apple Dumpling Gang. National Apple Dumpling Day is today. We are celebrating a tasty fall treat. Its easy to make (and, even easier to buy!). Apple lovers can't resist this pastry, filled with sweet, delicious apples. With the arrival of fall and cool weather, two things […]
When : September 16th Mayflower Day celebrates the date the Mayflower sailed from Plymouth, England to America. On September 16, 1620, 102 men, women, and children set sail from Plymouth, England. Their destination was the New World, where they could have religious freedom, and continue using their native language, culture, and customs. Every Mayflower Day, […]
When : September 16th National Play-Doh Day celebrates a great childhood play toy. Invented in the mid 1950s, it has entertained millions of children, and allowed them to express their creativity, both at home and in the classroom. The invention was simple. A school teacher wanted a safe modeling clay for her pre-schoolers. She asked […]
When : September 16th Collect Rocks Day is a day to enjoy and add to your rock collection. Ahh, to be a kid again, and have a rock collection. Well, we have good news for you. No one ever said you had to give up your rock collection when you became an adult. We hope […]
When : Always September 15th Make a Hat Day is is a day for fun. Design, make, and wear your a hat for yourself today. Put your personality into it. Or, make a hat from a character you would like to imitate for a day. This day is very popular with preschool, kindergarten, and grade […]
Up until the 20th century, hats played an incredibly important role in fashion and attire – arguably much moreso than today. In the 19th century, felt was a common material for hats, and Felt Hat Day encourages us all to don a felt hat in tribute to this historically significant, but now somewhat neglected accessory.More […]
We’re all familiar with the sub sandwich or ‘Hoagie‘, and Eat a Hoagie Day is an excuse to enjoy a mouth-watering, giant sandwich crammed with all your favourites.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/eat-a-hoagie-day/
When : Always September 14th National Cream Filled Donut Day is a sugary, sweet day. Dontcha just love special days like today!? Sure, you were watching your weight. Then, along comes a special day that is just packed with calorie and carbs. And, that special day encourages you to eat one of your favorite breakfast […]
People give each other cards to celebrate birthdays, weddings, achievements and more, as well as to commiserate or support. But how much does your sentiment mean, if it’s simply bought from a retail chain with little thought? Take some time this Card Making Day and create something heartfelt from scratch, and show the recipient that […]
When : September 13th Uncle Sam Day celebrates a symbol of America. Uncle Sam is certainly one of America's most recognized symbols. Uncle Sam appears on everything from military posters to cartoon images to advertising media. He is perhaps, the most recognizable symbol in the world. Did you Know? There are other human symbols representing […]
When : September 13th Defy Superstition Day is your opportunity to break those superstitious beliefs that you have been living with most, or all, of your life. Did you note that Defy Superstition Day is celebrated on the 13th? It was established on this day for a reason. Many people have a long list of […]