Our Wacky Holidays

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Burns Night
25th of January is being commemorated as Burns Night. The night is celebrated with beautiful cuisines and special dishes commemorating on behalf of the Scottish poet Robert Burnsâ?? great contribution to the English literature. Actually Burns Night is celebrated in Burns Clubs, Scottish Societies and expatriate Scots. However, it is now celebrated worldwide with many […]
Irish Coffee Day
1942 proved a fortuitous year for transatlantic travellers wearied by the cold and damp conditions of an Irish winter. Thanks to the innovative imagination of bartender Joe Sheridan, they were soon to have their cockles delightfully warmed by an almost decadent blend of fine Irish whiskey with the irresistible taste and aroma of freshly brewed […]
Compliment Day
When : Always January 24th How nice of you to visit our site today. I can see by your choice of websites, that you are an intelligent person. You are a kind and inquisitive person. I love the way you...... Yes, its Compliment Day. Today is a great opportunity to say something positive about the […]
Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day
â??Well hooooooo-wee! Ah reckon weâ??ve found ourselves some bona fide golden nuggets right here in this olâ?? mound oâ?? grit! Yessiree, Mommaâ??s gonna be marty proud when she discovâ??rs we can afford fresh beans â??nâ?? biscuits for the winnertarm, anâ?? thereâ??s gonna be three more weeks uvvit if mah old aching knee is tâ??be rckoned […]
Peanut Butter Day
Who doesn’t love peanut butter? So let’s celebrate Peanut Butter Day. This auspicious occasion was created many years ago, to allow peanut butter lovers to celebrate the creation of this wonderful food.Peanut butter can be eaten and used in many different recipes. I see nothing wrong in sitting down and indulging in a jar of […]
Belly Laugh Day
People all over the world celebrate January 24 as Global Belly Laugh Day to commemorate and remember past laughs and to experience the benefits of happiness by connecting with new laughs. A hearty laugh is extremely important as it not only makes the anxiety and anger fade away but also enhances self-esteem, optimism and health. […]
Rhubarb Day
Though cultivated since ancient times, rhubarb didn’t become popular until the Victorian era, when the masses could finally afford the other ingredient required to make its tart stalks palatable: sugar! Source:
Measure Your Feet Day
Measure Your Feet Day is a day to, well it's a day to measure your feet. At this point, we stop and ask ourselves...why? We pondered this question for a while. Then, we decided it was best not to even speculate. Celebrate today by measuring your feet. Both of them. Measure the length. Then, measure […]
Handwriting Day
National Handwriting Day is the day where everyone bring out there favorite pencils and pens to jot down one of the best calligraphy one can come up with. The most exciting part about this day is to bring the best of your creative skills in you. It doesn’t take a genius to participate on such […]
Pie Day
Everybody loves pie, arguably one of the greatest and most versatile food structures known to mankind. Sweet, savoury, filled with gravy or sauce, pies come in all shapes, sizes and flavours. Why not celebrate this Pie Day by making a pie from scratch, using your favourite fillings?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at […]
Blonde Brownie Day
National Blonde Brownie Day is a special day that is set aside to bake and eat blonde brownies. What's a blonde brownie, you ask? Well, as their name implies, traditional brownies are a dark brown. To make blonde brownies, light brown sugar is used in the recipe in place of dark brown chocolate. On National […]
Celebration Of Life Day
Celebration Of Life Day is when we take a step back and truly appreciate our children and grandchildren. Granted, some may do this on an everyday basis, but it’s an opportunity to look at our young ones’ lives from a different angle, think about what it is that makes them truly special, and of course, […]