When : Always December 18 National Suckling Pig Day is a mid-December day enjoy and remember. While everyone is running around, frantically preparing for the holidays, mom or grandma is busy in the kitchen. She has taken a break from the hubbub to cook a fancy meal.... a roasted suckling pig. As you read this, […]
We can’t think of anything that can’t be improved by covering it in a generous portion of melted chocolate, chocolate sauce or chocolate sprinkles. Well, maybe a few things, but that’s not the point of Chocolate Covered Anything Day now, is it?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/chocolate-covered-anything-day/
Christmas Jumper Day is an annual fundraising campaign in the UK organised by charity Save the Children. On a specific Friday in December, people are encouraged to make the world better with a sweater and raise funds for Save the Children by wearing a Christmas jumper and making a minimum donation of £1.[1][2]Those taking part […]
Date When Celebrated : Always December 15 Pucker up your lips. No, you're not about to be kissed. But, you should be about to bite into a tart, yet sweet, lemon cupcake. Why? Because today is National Lemon Cupcake Day. Not everyone loves the flavor of lemon. It's too tart for some. Certainly those […]
A day for those of us who feel like we’re tasked with the impossible, Cat Herders Day recognises the frustration of trying to manage the unmanageable. Whether it’s work, home, school or other areas of life, if it feels like herding cats, today’s your day.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/cat-herders-day/
When : Always December 15 Today is Bill of Rights Day. To Americans, the Bill of Rights are key amendments to the U.S. Constitution, that protect our individual rights. On March 4, 1789, the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified by the (former)13 colonies, and went into effect. States and individuals were […]
When : Always December 14 I think that you will agree with me that this is a somewhat fishy day. It's National Bouillabaisse Day, a day to celebrate a tasty Mediterranean fish stew or soup. Bouillabaisse is believed to have originated in Marseilles, France. It is extremely popular all around the Mediterranean, and is a […]
Monkey Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated internationally on December 14.[1][2][3] While the holiday is mainly about monkeys, it also celebrates other non-human[citation needed] primates such as apes, tarsiers, and lemurs.The holiday was started in 2000 when artist Casey Sorrow, then an art student at Michigan State University, jokingly scribbled Monkey Day on a friend's […]
Pancake Day, let’s face it, is mostly an excuse to have Maple Syrup. So let’s dispense with the charade and get down to it – Maple Syrup Day is the real deal, and a great excuse to consume it by the glassful!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/maple-syrup-day/
The violin is an incredibly versatile musical instrument, allowing for music of great passion and incredible delicacy. Violin Day salutes violinists, and encourages you to listen to music featuring violins. If you’re feeling particularly brave, why not try to learn to play?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/violin-day/
Enjoy some hot cocoa today in celebration of Cocoa Day! Every year on December 13, people across America celebrate their favorite cold weather comfort drink. Get some cocoa powder (or just melt some chocolate bars), heated milk or water and sugar and whip up some hot chocolate!