close up of an eclair with cream and chocolate

Chocolate Eclair Day

June 22nd is a day dedicated to indulging in one of the most beloved pastries - the chocolate eclair. It's a day to celebrate the delicious combination of creamy filling, delicate pastry, and rich chocolate glaze.


The eclair is believed to have originated in France during the 19th century. The name "eclair" means "lightning" in French, possibly referring to the speed at which they are typically devoured due to their irresistible taste.

Interesting Facts

  • The classic eclair consists of a hollow, elongated pastry filled with pastry cream and topped with chocolate icing.
  • While chocolate is the most popular flavor for eclair icing, variations include coffee, caramel, and vanilla.
  • Chocolate Eclair Day is celebrated by bakeries and pastry shops around the world, offering special promotions and discounts on this delectable treat.
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