Bubble Bath Day

What better way to unwind than with a hot, soapy bubble bath? Bubble Bath Day encourages you to relax, so light the candles, play some soothing music and lose yourself in a favourite book for an hour or so.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bubble-bath-day/

Go For Broke Day
This might be your last chance... make it count!
top view of gingerbread cookies laid flat on a wooden table
National Gingerbread Day
June 5th is National Gingerbread Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the delicious and festive gingerbread treat. Whether in the form of cookies, cakes, or houses, gingerbread delights both young and old with its warm spices and sweet aroma.
Batman Day
If you are of the opinion that there are not enough days set aside to celebrate fictional vigilantes, who dress up as flying creatures in order to tackle crime, then we agree with you. Fortunately, there is one such date set aside every year – Batman Day.The purpose of Batman Day is to celebrate the […]
Three Kings Day
Celebrating the day upon which the three kings arrived at Bethlehem, Three Kings Day is twelve days after Christmas day, and marks the end of the Christmas period.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/three-kings-day/