Poem in Your Pocket Day

What better way to make friends than being prepared to spontaneously recite poetry? Prepare for Poem in Your Pocket Day by having your favourite prose tucked about your person, ready to orate at any moment!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/poem-in-your-pocket-day/

Carrot Cake Day
Carrot Cake has been made since the Middle Ages, when sugar and other sweeteners were rare and very expensive, and so people used sweet vegetables to flavor their puddings. This technique became practically obsolete for several hundred years, but resurfaced in the 20th century. During World War II, the British government rationed many luxury foods and household […]
Golf Day
Its time to pull those clubs out of storage, dust them off, and get ready to hit the green again! That’s right, it’s Golf Day! Heralding the beginning of the more Golfer friendly part of the year, Golfers Day’s origin is shrouded in the myth and legend of this particular sport. Some people say its […]
Balloons Around The World Day
It's Balloons Around the World Day! Today we celebrate the joy and delight that balloons bring to our lives. To mark the occasion, balloon artists from around the world will showcase the art of balloon twisting and decorating.Did you know that the first rubber balloons were invented in 1824? Professor Michael Faraday used them for […]
Wonderful Weirdos Day
Nothing’s quite as dull as being normal, boring and average. Celebrate being weird, and celebrate the weirdos in your life on Wonderful Weirdos Day. Make an effort to be weird by dressing weirdly, doing weird things and encouraging weirdness with your friends and in the workplace!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/wonderful-weirdos-day/