
Tell a Lie Day

Two Different Colored Shoes Day
There are lots of ways to express ourselves, but what better way than celebrating Two Different Colored Shoes Day? Every day we wake up and, without thinking about it, put on two shoes which are exactly the same – the only difference being one shoe is for the left foot and the other for the […]
Pack Your Lunch Day
Many of us buy lunch everyday at work or school, rather than taking 10 minutes in the morning or the night before to make our own. Pack Your Lunch Day celebrates the humble homemade lunch, whether it’s a sandwich, leftovers, sushi or something altogether different.The advantages of packing your own lunch are obvious: you can […]
Used Car Day
Nurses Day
When : May 6-12: National Nurse's Week May 8: National Student Nurses Day May 6th: National Nurses Day Wednesday of Nurse's Week: School Nurses Day May 12: International Nurse's Day November 14: Operating Room Nurse Day What: National Nurses Week, and a number of specific Nurses Days during this week, provides recognition to nurses for their […]

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