One Cent Day

top view of pumpkins and a pumpkin bottled mead on a rustic table
Mead Day
Mead Day, celebrated on the first Saturday of August, is dedicated to enjoying and appreciating one of the world's oldest alcoholic beverages: mead. With a history spanning thousands of years and cultures around the globe, mead has seen a resurgence in recent years. Celebrate Mead Day by brewing your own mead, visiting a local meadery, or hosting a mead tasting party to honor this ancient and delightful drink.
Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
Are you tired of dating a jerk? It’s easy to get stuck in a relationship which isn’t working, with somebody who’s – let’s face it – a bit of a jerk. Take action on Dump Your Significant Jerk Day and make the decision to move forward with your life, and to find somebody who’s a […]
As Young As You Feel Day
As Young As You Feel Day is a day for losing your inhibitions!If you are in good health, but feel restricted by how you are expected to behave, then As Young As You Feel Day is the time to rebel! We only live this life once and As Young As You Feel Day is a good […]
Cheese Lovers Day
For some cheese gourmets, the word ‘love’ simply doesn’t go far enough. The time is ripe to unite in praise…Not everyone can match the fans of the Green Bay Packers football team in Wisconsin, USA, whose yellow, wedge-shaped hats are the ultimate in cheesy headgear. But Cheese Lovers Day is a true moment of celebration. […]