World Water Day

Today is to remind everybody of the extreme importance of water for maintaining the environment and increasing development in human societies

Bittersweet Chocolate Day
The history of Bittersweet Chocolate Day is shrouded in the froth of a hot drink. That is to say no one should spend too long thinking about the history of chocolate; it was made for eating.Bittersweet chocolate is dark chocolate that is sweetened with cane sugar. It may have a touch of vanilla, but never […]
CSS Reboot Day
Its CSS Reboot Day Today. Today webmasters from all over the world will launch their web standards-based redesigns simultaneously, bringing traffic, interest and respect to their sites.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Cheese Fondue Day
Cheese Fondue Day is a way to celebrate that delicious mixture of cheese and wine that goes oh-so-well with bread, meat, and veggies.Fondue’s been around as a concept for hundreds of years, but cheese fondue is generally recognized to have come into existence in 1875 when the original recipe was published. Before then there was a […]
National Pistachio Day
Go nuts today eating pistachios