Banana Bread Day

In the 1960s, you could pick up banana puree at the market. These days, we know to use up those bananas that have seen fresher days for homemade quick bread.


brown wooden canoe near trees
Canoe Day
Canoe Day honors the iconic watercraft known for its simplicity and connection to nature. It's a day to paddle along tranquil waters, explore scenic landscapes, and appreciate the beauty of canoeing.
Sorry Charlie Day
Date When Observed : Always on April 6th Have you ever been rejected? For anything? Sure you have! We all have. Sorry Charlie Day is for all of us who have been spurned, and yet somehow survived it. Take a minute today and reflect upon a past dejection. Then, smile with he realization that ""_ […]
four green yarns on chopping board
Worldwide Knit in Public Day
Worldwide Knit in Public Day - June 18 Celebrating the art of knitting and bringing communities together! Facts About Worldwide Knit in Public Day Worldwide Knit in Public Day (WWKIP Day) is an annual event that takes place on the second Saturday in June, which often falls on June 18th. It's a day dedicated to […]
Common Courtesy Day
Politeness and consideration for others abound on Common Courtesy Day. Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, hold doors open for others, and consider the feelings and perceptions of those around you throughout the day.