Sticky Bun Day

Whether you have a sweet tooth or prefer a carbohydrate filled treat, the sticky bun is the ideal gastronomic delight to fill the brief. Fortunately for those who enjoy a good sticky bun, an entire day is dedicated to celebrating and eating them – Sticky Bun Day.

The exact origins of the sticky bun are debatable, as is the history of Sticky Bun Day. While some attribute the sticky bun to the Ancient Egyptians, others argue that it originates in Germany. However, one thing that is agreed on is that German settlers brought the sticky bun to Pennsylvania in the United States. These pastries were originally called ‘schnecken’ and are a speciality of Philadelphia.

Of course there is only one thing you can do to celebrate Sticky Bun Day in all its glory and that is to make or eat as many of these delicious snacks as possible!

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Backward Day
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