My Way Day

My Way Day has been created in celebration of that wonderful phrase “It’s my way or the high way”. The history of My Way Day is unclear but it believed to have been inspired by key events in the world happening because someone had a bold idea and they weren’t afraid to go through with it.

On that note, the idea of My Way Day is simple – it is the day where you are encouraged to do whatever you want, however you want. Do you fancy watching every Bond film in a row wearing a onesie and eating chocolate? Go ahead. How about being a bit ore adventurous and begin to write that novel you were always thinking about? Absolutely fine. My Way Day is your day – just make sure that whatever you decide to do, it’s legal.

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Hobbit Day
September 22nd is the Birthday of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, two characters from J.R.R. Tolkien’s popular Middle Earth Cycle books (The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings respectively) in which Hobbits, typically between two and four feet tall and nothing like your usual ‘hero’, accomplish great feats and amazing acts of courage. It is in […]
Parfait Day
Fancy a fancy fruit sundae? Parfait Day is a perfect opportunity to indulge – and Parfait means ‘perfect’ in French! How convenient, eh? Layer up the fruit, cream and nuts and create something incredible.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Date Nut Bread Day
It’s worth laying on a spread to celebrate Date Nut Bread Day – but the question is whether to choose butter or cream cheese! Nobody seems to know for sure who decided that this delicious fruity bread should get its own day, despite evidence that the holiday has been celebrated for years. Published recipes for […]
Thank a Mailman Day
Itâ??s hard work delivering the mail day in, day out, come rain or shine. Thank A Mailman Day gives you an opportunity to say a polite â??thank youâ?? to your postal courier, parcel service, and good old mailman.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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