Almond Day

It’s generally believed and agreed by historians (and food historians in particular) that almonds were one of the earliest cultivated foods by mankind. Almond Day celebrates this and all things almond, and rightly so, given their high vitamin E content, their effectiveness at reducing cholesterol levels and helping with weight loss!

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Edible Book Festival
The International Edible Book Festival is an annual event usually held on or around April 1, which is also known as Edible Book Day.[1] The global event has been celebrated since 2000 in various parts of the world, where ""edible books"" are created, displayed, and small events are held. The creations are photographed and then […]
Curmudgeons Day
Curmudgeons Day is one of those holidays most people find hard to believe is real. There’s no need to worry, though, because you don’t have to be grumpy to celebrate it.There are many schools of thought regarding Curmudgeons Day. Some say it’s a holiday where you’re supposed to stay home all day and do nothing. […]
Bittersweet Chocolate Day
The history of Bittersweet Chocolate Day is shrouded in the froth of a hot drink. That is to say no one should spend too long thinking about the history of chocolate; it was made for eating.Bittersweet chocolate is dark chocolate that is sweetened with cane sugar. It may have a touch of vanilla, but never […]
International Mother Language Day
Speak only in your native tongue today