Hippo Day

Bet you didn’t know that Hippo loosely translates to River Horse in ancient Greek. Hippo Day, then, celebrates the third largest mammal on Earth. Why not take some time to waddle in a mud bath, get angry with some tourists, and yawn a lot whilst opening your mouth really-really widely?
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/hippo-day/

Blah Blah Blah Day
Sometimes it seems as if everyone is a critic. Are you fed up with your nearest and dearest suggesting you lose weight, give up smoking or paint that ceiling? Or, even if nobody is hounding you, are you all too aware that you’re putting off until tomorrow things that should have been done yesterday?If any […]
blossoming flower with gentle petals on blue background
National Orange Blossom Day
National Orange Blossom Day celebrates the fragrant and delicate flowers of the orange tree. These blossoms not only perfume the air with their sweet scent but also play a vital role in the production of oranges. Whether you enjoy their aroma in perfumes or savor the flavor in culinary creations, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and versatility of orange blossoms.
Hug an Economist Day
Dr Aidan Kane tells me today is world 'hug an economist' day. I warn you I will not commit to the hug. Once you've finished, I'll say 'I don't accept that'.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.stephenkinsella.net/2011/01/31/hug-an-economist-day/
dalgona coffee with tapioca pearls
Tapioca Day
Tapioca Day celebrates the unique and versatile ingredient made from the cassava plant. Whether you enjoy it in traditional puddings, bubble teas, or savory dishes, tapioca adds texture and flavor to a variety of culinary creations. Take this day to explore the many delicious ways to incorporate tapioca into your meals.